An hour ago, the chicken and the dog fought. An hour later, the dog saw the chicken being killed. The psychological shadow was huge!

Pet Other

People often say that the chicken and the dog are restless, and the chicken is always in opposition to the dog. The restlessness of chickens and dogs actually refers to the fact that chickens have to croak in the morning and start crowing in the early morning, while dogs croak at night. Friends who live in rural areas may have a deep understanding of this. For example, the editor sometimes goes back to his home in the countryside to stay for a few nights. When he wants to take a nap early in the morning, this big rooster starts to crow, which really disturbs people’s sleep. Then when he is going to sleep at night, the dogs start barking again, and a dog starts Barking, and soon other dogs began to respond, barking incessantly, making you unable to sleep. Therefore, the restlessness of chickens and dogs also means that there is no peace during the day and night, and the days cannot stop. But now there are also cases where people’s zodiac signs are used to indicate inappropriate marriages. It’s better to avoid these customs.

1 hour ago the chicken and the dog fought, and an hour later, the dog saw the chicken being killed, the psychological impact is huge!

The editor has a friend who is also from a rural area. Grandmas like to raise some chickens and ducks. They can kill them to eat during the Chinese New Year. Or when the eldest grandson comes back, shouldn’t he kill a chicken to replenish his food? Then my friend adopted a dog from nowhere. It was not a rare breed and he had no time to take care of it because of his work, so he left it in his hometown when he returned to the countryside.

1 hour ago the chicken and the dog fought, and an hour later, the dog saw the chicken being killed, the psychological impact is huge!

But I don’t know if chickens and dogs are prone to getting into trouble when they get along. I’ve heard that dogs at home bit chickens to death. Maybe this dog can be regarded as a hybrid of a pet dog, a little more timid than a local dog. It lives free-range in the countryside, and spends every day with chickens, barking at each other or fighting with each other. It is really the real-life version of the idiom "chickens fly and dogs jump".

1 hour ago Chicken andThe dog fights, and an hour later, the dog sees the chicken being killed. This has a huge psychological impact!

But about a year has passed since the two animals were fighting. Maybe they were fighting for too long or they were in love for a long time. A friendship developed like enemies. Once, a wild cat came to steal the chicken's food. The dog even chased the wild cat away, but then the chicken and the dog started fighting again.

This time The editor's friend went back to visit his family during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he also took a look at this dog. He happened to see the scene of the chicken-dog fight, and he even took a video and sent it to me. Then the family members were thinking about the Mid-Autumn Festival, and how the children would return home. After being treated well, his dad took a knife and wanted to kill the chicken. After driving away the dog, his dad took the chicken and killed it. Their dog was watching the whole process.

What a fool. The dog was completely dumbfounded. He watched helplessly as his friend, who he had been playing with for so long, was killed, plucked, and chopped. Although he often fought, he was still a playmate. He may be frightened, but he must be thinking. Did the owner kill the chicken because of the fight between the two of us? Will it be his turn one day? At this moment, the dog's psychological shadow area instantly expanded a hundred times.

It is estimated that this will take several days. In order to make this dog recover, or to get rid of the fear, the owner really needs to take good care of it.