Are cats born to use litter? How to train a kitten to use cat litter?

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Cats have a lot of genetics, but are cats born to use cat litter? The answer is no. Cats are not born with the ability to use cat litter. Kittens that have left their mother cats or adopted kittens will not use cat litter.

Do cats naturally use cat litter? How to train kittens to use it? What about cat litter?

Kittens follow their mother When cats are together, they need to learn the survival skills of their mother cats, including using cat litter to cover their own poop to cover up the smell and protect themselves. If a mother cat is taken away from her too early, she may not use litter.

How to train kittens to use cat litter

1. Observe the cat’s toilet time

Cats will go to the toilet after eating or playing. Observe your cat’s toilet time. When the cat lowers its butt and is about to release it, quickly carry it into the litter box. Repeat this a few times and the cat will understand.

2. Teach kittens to bury stolen goods with their claws

Are cats born to use cat litter? How to train a kitten to use cat litter?

When you hold the cat to go to the litter box to go to the toilet, you also need to teach it how to bury the stolen goods. When the cat finishes pooping, hold it Hold it and let it dig into the cat litter with its front paws to bury the stolen items, or patiently teach it to bury the stolen items with a shovel in front of the cat. For the cat, he doesn’t understand why he does this. He must be patient, never hit or scold him, and repeat it frequently to let the cat remember this behavior.