Because of a meal, a stray cat climbed to the 25th floor to be adopted. After being rejected, he reluctantly left.

Pet Other

Many people like to throw leftovers outside to feed stray cats when eating. For these homeless animals, a good meal means hope for survival.

However, in a community in Beijing, a stray cat climbed onto the balcony of the 25th floor in search of food. The female cat looked lonely and longed for warmth, so she began to rub against the door and scratch the window in an attempt to attract the attention of the residents.

For a meal, a stray cat climbed to the 25th floor to be adopted. After being rejected, he reluctantly left.

When the stray cat was found, residents brought her a bowl of warm milk and a plate of fried fish. The female cat sniffed it with her nose and then licked it gently with her tongue.
This heartwarming scene has caused many residents to pay attention to the stray cat. The elderly couple volunteered to be adopted by the cat, hoping to spend the rest of their lives with the cat.
However, the community management committee has issued such regulations: no person or unit is allowed to bring pets into the community beyond the scope. The couple let the stray cat go in order to comply with the regulations, but the female cat was not adopted by anyone in the end.
The local animal protection society said they are looking for a suitable owner to adopt the female cat. However, when this story reappeared on the Internet a long time later, the female cat had disappeared from the sight of the majority of netizens.

This story has attracted attention, firstly, because it shows kindness and care; secondly, because it reflects a problem in society: there are still problems in legally adopting homeless animals. Greater difficulty.

For a meal, a stray cat climbed to the 25th floor to be adopted. After being rejected, he reluctantly left.

I believe many people have watched Stephen Chow's movie "Kung Fu", which contains such a line: "Even if it is just a dog, there are three generations of ancestors!" The movie expresses the idea of ​​respecting life and its value, and real life We should also admit the same point.
Whether it is human or non-human life, allShould be treated fairly, with respect and as equals. Only when people truly understand the meaning and value of life can they truly understand, care for, and love all life.
Going back to the story of this stray cat, if someone could take it home and give it a warm family and the same love, I believe it would be happier and healthier. People should pay attention to the animal life around them and provide them with necessary protection and care.
Of course, we also hope that more regulations and laws will strengthen protection measures for homeless stray animals so that they can receive legal adoption and other necessary help. In this way, we can establish a civilized path that truly respects life in society, thereby creating a fair and harmonious world.