Dogs protect their food, and their owners have a clever trick. The ending is very touching...

Pet Other

There is no doubt that maternal love is great. This is true not only of people, but of all species in the world. The greatness of maternal love lies in the selflessness of her love, which does not ask for anything in return. For the sake of the child, the mother is willing to sacrifice her own interests, as long as the child likes and is happy. A Labrador in our netizen’s home embodies the material of maternal love vividly.

The dog protects the food, the owner has a clever trick, the ending is very touching...

This Labrador is very talented Not long after the birth of a litter of babies, I wanted to give her more nutrition. The owner specially bought a roast chicken for her to add to her meal. Seeing that she was eating vigorously, the owner wanted to tease her, so he said to the dog, "Give me half of the chicken. It's so big that you can't finish it." Unexpectedly, Lala grinned and started to show her teeth, obviously protecting her food. The master was amused and continued to tease her by saying that he wanted half of it. At this time, Lala not only bared her teeth but even started to whimper softly.

"You don't differentiate between me, right? Well, let's see how I treat you..." The owner looked at Labrador's serious food protection and pointed at it pretending to be angry. the dog said to her. So he walked to the side, haha, it turned out that there were a group of little Labradors in the cage next to it. They had already smelled the aroma of roasted chicken and were about to stir up there. The owner walked over and opened the cage, "Little ones, give it to me." Go strong..."

The dog protects the food, the owner has a coup and the ending is very touching...

A group of little Labradors just went straight to the roasted chicken. Although this Labrador mother was a little reluctant to give up, she quickly stood up and left the roast chicken, giving her place to all the little Labradors, and looking at the puppies with a look of love on her face. It seems to be saying, "Children, don't rush, don't grab it, it's all yours..."

This is really a big difference compared to the treatment given by the owner just now. . He is indeed his own child. Netizen: Nothing to say, maternal love is so great!