From a distance, I saw a dog wearing black stockings. When the boy got closer, he was stunned. This dog is not a simple dog!

Pet Other

The most common dog in China is the Chinese Garden Dog, which is very cute. Generally, many people keep this kind of dog in rural areas. This kind of dog is very good at guarding the house. It has a strong sense of territory and is especially good at guarding the house. Many people like to keep such a dog to look after the house at home. However, many urban people nowadays don’t like Chinese Garden Dogs because they think this kind of dog is too common, so this kind of dog generally lives in rural areas.

From a distance, a dog was covered in black stockings. When the boy came closer, he was dumbfounded: This dog is not simple!

Recently, a netizen saw such a very unique Chinese pastoral dog on the roadside when he was going to the countryside. When he was walking on a street, he saw a dog in black stockings from a distance. He kindly walked over and wanted to help the dog take off the black stockings. However, when he took a closer look, he was dumbfounded and couldn't help but say: This dog is not simple, it looks so strange! It turns out that this dog was not covered in black stockings at all. On the contrary, its coat color was originally black!

The fur on this dog’s head is black and its body is white. This black and white combination of fur is really unusual. It really looks like a quilt with black stockings. . This dog is not yet an adult. It is very friendly to people. When it sees a stranger approaching, it will also walk up to the stranger very enthusiastically and smell the stranger's scent. The dog's owner was nearby. He saw a stranger coming to play with the dog, so he came over to chat with the young man.

From a distance, a dog was covered in black stockings. When the boy came closer, he was dumbfounded: This dog is not simple!

He said that this dog was born from his female dog. When the dog was just born, he laughed silly because the dog looked so special. He has a black head and white body, and there is a thin white hair in the middle of his eyebrows. The master liked him very much and gave him the best and most food every day. The owner also said that since he got this dog, he has been very happy every day, probably because this dog has brought him good luck. This guyAfter chatting with the owner, he took out his phone and took some photos of the dog.

Many netizens on the Internet were amused by the appearance of this dog. They all commented: This dog is really good! He looks so funny, like he's wearing a white suit. If you raise a dog like this, you will probably make a fortune in the future! Do you like this puppy?