Garfield is wandering alone in the factory area. He can only act cute and coquettish and can only endure bullying.

Pet Other

With the fundamental change in the purpose of keeping pets, cats have gradually replaced dogs in the minds of many people, and are regarded by more and more people as the best pet choice. Although, nowadays, there are still many people who like dogs and are willing to keep them, and dogs can indeed help people in many places and even save people's lives. However, today's environment is not suitable for people to raise them. Especially when more and more people live in buildings and the population density becomes higher and higher, due to space limitations and safety considerations for most people, dogs are gradually no longer the It is the first choice when people choose pets.

Garfield wanders alone in the factory area. He can only be cute and coquettish. He can only endure bullying

And Cats that have replaced dogs also have a long history of accompanying people, and in many cases they are more clean-minded. They are also relatively quiet in the process of raising them, so there is no need to worry about them disturbing people. At the same time, most cats are relatively arrogant and don't like to talk to people. Even their owners may not be able to let them get close. Therefore, there is no need to worry about them actively hurting people. happened, so more and more people who want to keep pets regard them as the best pets in their minds.

As more and more people want to raise them, because everyone’s aesthetics and preferences are different, in order to better cater to people’s preferences, the types of cats that appear in people’s lives are also increasingly diverse. At the same time, in order to cater to the needs of the market, many breeders are also breeding these cats and constantly cultivating them more, so as to obtain a larger market and bring higher profits. Therefore, as long as pet cats of various varieties are carefully groomed by people, their appearance is particularly attractive.

Garfield wanders alone in the factory area. He can only be cute and coquettish. He can only endure bullying

However, after these people Carefully bred breed catsAlthough they are becoming more and more beautiful in appearance, in terms of survivability, because most people who breed them only hope to sell them better, they do not consider whether they will survive when they lose their owners and become stray animals. Have the ability to survive. Therefore, once most breeds of cats lose their owners, the fate that awaits them is often extremely miserable. Moreover, because their ability to survive independently is extremely weak, many breeds of cats are even born with some incurable diseases. Disease, therefore, once they start wandering, death is often the only thing that greets them...

There is a kind-hearted brother in Jiangsu, who often works with his companions to help those wandering people. animal. On this day, this young man once again received a request for help from a local man who worked in a factory. The eldest brother told the younger brother that a stray Garfield cat came to their factory recently. Although some people in their factory will feed these stray cats some food from time to time, because the survival ability of Pet cats like Garfield is too weak, they basically cannot compete with other stray cats for food. Therefore, it The situation is getting worse and worse...

Garfield is wandering alone in the factory area, and he can only be cute and coquettish and can only endure bullying

The eldest brother had a cat with his wife before, and the cat accidentally got lost, which made his wife sad for a long time. Therefore, the eldest brother is also special about the situation of this Garfield cat. pity. But because he was afraid that bringing it home would make his wife fall in love, and the eldest brother’s home was not suitable for keeping a cat. Therefore, after discovering what happened to this Garfield cat, the eldest brother thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to contact the younger brother. , and hope that the little brother and his companions can treat the Garfield cat well after taking it away...

After receiving the message for help from the big brother, the little brother was also very worried about the cat's condition, so he and After the eldest brother confirmed the location, the younger brother rushed to the factory where the eldest brother was located overnight. When the younger brother arrived at the door of the factory, the older brother had already appeared at the door of the factory with the Garfield cat waiting for the younger brother. However, when the little brother was about to take a closer look at the condition of this Garfield cat, it may be because it suffered too many injuries during its wandering, but it lost all the trust in people it once had as a pet, and ran away quickly. .

Unable to gain the cat's trust, the younger brother had no choice but to take out the cat strip and ask the older brother to help attract the Garfield cat again, and then catch it again and bring it to him. However, the cat didn't want to believe the big brother at this time. In desperation, the little brother justAfter getting the eldest brother to cooperate, the two finally caught the Garfield cat again after a search. After catching this stray Garfield cat, the little brother did a little inspection and found that there was nothing wrong with the cat except for some tear stains, so he decided to take it back to his stray animal rescue base and place it temporarily. After a period of time, wait until it is confirmed that there is no problem with the cat's condition, and then arrange the adoption of the cat.

Then, the little brother put the cat into the flight box, said goodbye to him, and took the cat back smoothly. After bringing the cat back, the little brother checked the cat's condition again and found that the Garfield cat was dirty because it was straying, so he gave it a bath and dewormed it, and then put it away. It settled. After the cat came to the little brother's stray animal rescue base, it immediately became very docile and cooperative. After enjoying the little brother's care, it fell into a deep sleep. However, I wonder if it would dream about it in its dreams. Belongs to its former home...