How much does a Devon cat cost? You will know after reading this

Pet Other

How much does a Devon cat usually cost? This is a question that many people are curious about. At present, the number of german curly cats in China is relatively small, and the price of a German curly cat ranges from 3,000 to 6,000 yuan. If the cat is in good condition and has a pure bloodline, the price will be higher. The price of a better bloodline cat is more than 15,000 yuan. For grade 1, the price can reach about 30,000.

How much does a German cat cost? You will know after reading this

Introduction to German curly cats

Germany Curly cats, also known as German Imperial cats, have curly hair and less shedding, so they are popular with many people who are sensitive to cat hair.

How much does a German cat cost? You will know after reading this

Their big eyes, short muzzles, and protruding cheekbones And their wide, low-set ears give them a unique elf-like appearance.