I meet a stray cat on the road and the uncle wants to take away the kitten. The mother cat can calmly sleep and take as many kittens as she wants!

Pet Other

Every stray cat that is not afraid of people has a better chance of survival because they are close to people.
Every clean stray cat that is not afraid of people will not be surprised if it is picked up by someone one day, not to mention that it can eat well and sleep well.

Just like an uncle in Japan who met a family of stray cats. Even if he didn’t bring cat food, not only did the cat mother have no objection, but even the kittens were still very close to him.

I met a stray cat on the road, and the uncle wants to take the kitten away. The cat mother sleeps calmly: take as much as you want!

On a quiet road, a mother cat and four kittens were lying next to an old truck. The car whizzed by without disturbing their rest. Passers-by gently stroked them. It makes them sleep more comfortably. This is a litter of stray cats that are particularly unafraid of people. Their clean hair, clear eyes, and lazy sleeping posture seem to be telling people who are close to them: "Come and touch us."
It is said that "what kind of parents raise what kind of children." This sentence may not necessarily be correct, but it is very suitable for this female cat - the kittens not only look very similar to her, Even the personality is similar. Facing the fingers stretched out by the uncle, the kittens also imitated the mother cat and raised their heads to smell. Then some kittens would go to the scavenger to rub against, while others would lie down and rest on their own. .
And no matter what the four kittens are doing, the mother cat looks indifferent. Anyway, it is resting on its own territory, and it is very peaceful... Well, the mother cat seems not to have considered human beings at all. Might hurt it. After the uncle first met this litter of stray cats, he became very interested in them, so he would "visit" them every now and then.
Uncle has never seen stray cats that are not afraid of people before, and there are even female cats that send kittens to his home. But uncle rarely sees a mother cat like this one who dares to lie casually on the street with her children without fear of anyone. Perhaps in the eyes of the mother cat, the uncle is as trustworthy as those who often bring cat food. Otherwise, no matter how "big" the cat is, it will not be at all wary of the uncle.
On one side, the kittens were playing around the uncle, and on the other side, the mother cat was lying there, resting by herself. The already quiet atmosphere around them seemed to be tinged with warmth because of the mother cat’s family. As for why the mother cat is not afraid of the "harassment" of other stray cats... Let alone the place where she grew up, even the male cat who is with her will try her best to protect her and her four kittens.

I met a stray cat on the road. The uncle wanted to take the kitten away. The cat mother calmly slept: take as many as you like!

This male cat whose buttocks were lifted up by the uncle's caressing seems to be the "cat dad". Although he is also very fond of the uncle, They got close to each other, but almost bit the uncle at first. The arrival of the father cat did not arouse the resistance of the mother cat’s family. After being comforted by the uncle’s caress, it naturally lay next to the mother cat and patted the kitten that bit its ear. Open and kiss the mother cat affectionately on the head.
Sometimes, ordinary life can better reflect happiness. The mother cat and the cat father protect the four kittens together. As long as no one intentionally hurts them, their family will be happy. I can live happily. What’s interesting is that when the uncle wanted to take one of the kittens away, the mother cat didn’t seem to care at all. Even after the uncle held another kitten, she just looked at it indifferently He glanced at the uncle, as if to say: "It's okay, you can take as much as you want."
It is precisely because the mother cat is so dear that she gives the four kittens a chance; it is precisely because the father cat protects the family that they let them The mother cat and the four kittens are not bullied by their own kind. So, if you find that the stray cats near you are afraid of people, it may be that some people around you may not treat stray cats well, otherwise these little cuties will Close to people.