If a cat is caught stealing food, it is impossible for the cat to let go!

Pet Other

A little kitten was too playful and forgot the way home. Since then, it has been hiding alone in an empty garage. It will be hungry. It will starve if it doesn't eat one meal, let alone several meals. In order to survive, it kept calling its mother. Her mother did not attract her, but she attracted netizens! After all, the little kitten is still too young. It doesn’t understand the dangers of the outside world. When it saw the netizen, it thought it was its mother and stuck to it.

The cat was caught stealing food, the cat: It's impossible to let go!

Netizens were also unambiguous, If a little kitten approaches, there is no reason to say no. Just put it in your pocket and take it home!

The cat was caught stealing food. Cat: It's impossible to loosen its mouth!

Wash the cat clean first , give me some food, and from now on, this is the netizen’s cat!

The little guy’s life in the netizen’s home is very nourishing. In just a few days, he has lost a lot of weight~ It feels stronger in the hand!

The cat was caught stealing food, the cat: It's impossible to let go!

Wait until the cat grows up At a young age, it actually learned to eat secretly!

One day, when a netizen was cleaning up the kitchen, he discovered that a piece of meat at home was missing! When I turned around, I saw that the cat had a piece of meat in its mouth!

The cat was caught stealing food. Cat: It's impossible to let go!

When the cat was picked up by a netizen, it still bit the piece of meat and did not let go. When the netizen wanted to get it, , the cat also used its furry paws to block it. I have seen greedy cats, but never such greedy ones!

Tell me, what should I do with this greedy cat~