Stray dog ​​rummaging through garbage, making female netizens feel distressed

Pet Other

In winter, people take certain measures to keep warm. We wear thick down jackets for ourselves. But dogs are not like us, especially stray dogs. Let alone put on clothes, even when it is windy and snowy in winter, they have no good place to go to avoid the wind and snow.

The stray dog ​​rummaged through the garbage, which made the female netizen very distressed

The netizen was out shopping a few days ago, and the weather was so bad It was so cold, it was like jumping from the oven into the refrigerator. At that time, she saw a little stray dog ​​rummaging through the garbage on the roadside. She casually threw the sausage in her pocket to the puppy, but the puppy did not eat the sausage, as if it had another goal. This made netizens very curious. Could it be that it wasn't just looking for something to eat in the trash can? Soon the little guy found a rag from the trash can.

The stray dog ​​rummaged through the garbage, which made the female netizen very distressed

Then the little guy ran away with the rag in his mouth. , it found a sheltered place and spread the rag under itself. It seemed that the little guy was very smart and knew how to keep himself warm. The netizen followed decisively, and the little guy looked at the netizen with pitiful eyes, which seemed to be filled with innocence, as if he was asking the netizen, "Did I make a mistake?" Its small appearance made netizens feel very distressed. The netizen squatted down and broke off the sausage just now for it to eat. When he took off his gloves, the netizen realized how cold it was! No wonder the little guy keeps looking for things in the garbage. A netizen touched its paws, which were like ice cubes and almost frozen. If this continues, it will definitely not survive this winter.

Stray dogs rummaging through garbage, making female netizens very distressed

The netizen is a girl with a soft heart. After thinking about it for a while, she wanted to take this dog back. Home, after all, it is early winter now, so if it gets colder in a few days, I really can’t imagine how the little guy will survive this winter. After all, the winter in the north is really too cold. Netizens are bringing it home After that, I didn’t rush to give it a bath. Instead, I took it to my bedroom and covered it with a small blanket. The little guy slightly winked at the netizen, as if to express his gratitude. .