The British shorthair cat sneezed and got angry when the Ragdoll cat stared at him. He turned his head and ignored it and hit him.

Pet Other

When your girlfriend is in a bad mood during her period, you have to be careful. You must not have unnecessary words or expressions in front of her, because your unintentional actions may very well be seen in her eyes. It has become a very annoying thing. If you are not careful, you will offend your girlfriend, and then you will feel better.

The British Shorthair cat sneezed and was stared at by the ragdoll cat and got angry. I turned my head and ignored it and it hit me.

A netizen has a British Shorthair cat and a Ragdoll cat at home. The British Shorthair cat often gets angry at the Ragdoll cat for no reason, but the Ragdoll cat doesn’t dare to do so every time. What's the point of complaining and resisting? They really look like a young couple.

The British Shorthair cat sneezed and was stared at by the ragdoll cat and got angry. I turned my head and ignored it and it hit me.

Recently, the two guys were lying on the table enjoying their free time. Suddenly, the British shorthair cat sneezed, which scared the ragdoll cat and turned its head to see what happened. However, the British shorthair cat was not happy to be looked at by the Ragdoll cat like this. It looked at each other for a while and then opened its mouth and roared fiercely. The Ragdoll cat was embarrassed and had to turn its head and stop looking. The British Shorthair cat, but the British Shorthair cat was even more annoyed when it saw the Ragdoll cat turning its head and ignoring itself, and even stretched out its claws to beat the innocent Ragdoll cat.
Ruppet cat: what? ! Who did I mess with?