The golden retriever mother came to say goodbye to her children. When she saw them being taken away, she turned around and didn't dare to look at them.

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The golden retriever mother came to say goodbye to her children. When she saw them being taken away, she turned around and did not dare to look at them

The golden retriever mother came to say goodbye to her children, and saw them being taken away The moment they left, it turned around and didn't dare to look at them

Raising a dog is a happy thing, so many people like to raise dogs. Treat a dog sincerely, and they will repay you with sincerity. Although dogs cannot speak, you can tell how important you are to them by looking at their eyes. This is the saddest thing for owners. Even if we say goodbye to the dog, some things have to do.

A netizen has a golden retriever at home. Some time ago, he gave birth to a litter of six little golden retrievers. Under the care of the owner and the golden retriever mother, they all grew up healthily. The little golden retrievers perfectly inherited the golden retriever. Mom's appearance is very good-looking, but when they grow up, they must go to a new home. The little golden retrievers have been booked by people before they are one month old. After all, the family cannot keep so many dogs.

The golden retriever mother came to see her children off, and when she saw them being taken away, she turned around and didn't dare to look at them

When the new owner of the last two golden retrievers of the day was ready to pick them up, the golden retriever's mother also came out to wait on the roadside. She sat uneasily next to the little golden retriever. The other children had already been sent away. These two After the children were sent away, the house became much quieter. We will never see them again. The golden retriever mother is very sensible and will not stop the owner from sending them away, but she also wants to know if the new owners of the children are okay.

The golden retriever mother came to see her children off, and when she saw them being taken away, she turned around and didn't dare to look at them

The moment the last two little golden retrievers were sent away, the golden retriever mother turned around and looked at the owner. She didn't dare to watch her children being sent away, for fear that she would have to let them go. Looking at the golden retriever mother's eyes, The owner said that he was also very distressed, but there was nothing he could do about it. He believed that the little golden retrievers would all be happy in their new home, and as long as this happened, they would feel less reluctant to part with them.

Netizen comments: Poor dog, my dog ​​was given away by me after she gave birth to puppies. Then she didn’t eat for several days. I was worried and talked to her every day. , enlightened it, and it lost a lot of weight in those few days, and then slowly recovered. From then on, I didn’t dare to let the dog have puppies anymore, because I didn’t want it to experience the pain of parting again. .