The most comprehensive range of cat litter types and recommendations

Pet Other

This article is mainly to give you some suggestions about cat litter boxes to help you better correct your cat’s behavioral problems.

The most comprehensive range of cat litter types and suggestions

Many cat owners may have realized that one of the most attractive features of cats is that they have an "automatic garbage disposal" systems”, in other words, they are very self-cleaning. Many cats may be able to use a litter box fairly regularly without training.

As long as you point out the location of the box to the cat or take it over to see the litter box, in most cases, she will instinctively do what she should do and consciously remove the waste. Cover up the "dirty stuff".

It is important to purchase a litter box and cat litter that is suitable for your cat, as not every product is suitable for every cat, and what works for one cat may not work for another. a cat. As we know, cats are animals with unique personalities and preferences.

There are many related products on the market to choose from. Some of the better products can make cats purr continuously when using them (the sound that cats make when they are comfortable and comfortable). Here are some tips on how to choose the right cat litter box and litter, and how to care for your cat's litter box.

Introduction to seven types of cat litter

If your cat doesn’t like the litter you provide, then it may not use the litter box. So it’s important to find the right cat litter. Cat litter can be divided into the following 7 basic categories:

1. Ordinary clay type

This type of cat litter is highly absorbent and can control odor well, and The price is also relatively affordable. Some cat litter products of this type also contain antibacterial agents, as well as additives that can absorb, neutralize or mask odors. However, the disadvantage of ordinary clay cat litter is that it is "heavy". In addition, if you do not have the habit of cleaning the cat litter every day or do not change it frequently, it will produce a greater odor, especially if you have multiple cats, this odor problem will become more obvious. So some people will buy cat litter with a strong scent, but this is not the answer to the problem, because some cats would rather use a smelly cat litter box than excrete on cat litter with added scent.

Another disadvantage of ordinary clay cat litter is that it produces a lot of powder dust. The finer the cat litter particles, the more serious the dust problem will be, and may even lead to the effect of “cats creating a beach”. When the cat litter is poured into the box, the fine clay powder "churns" up. There are a small number of cat litters on the market that can be dust-free, but only a small amount.Some, that is to say, most ordinary clay cat litters are difficult to truly meet this requirement. If you or your cat has respiratory problems such as asthma, it’s best to consult a doctor before using this type of cat litter.

2. Condensed clay type

Most of these cat litters contain sodium bentonite (a type of clay that swells and forms hard lumps when exposed to water). This type of clumping cat litter is popular because they coagulate your cat's urine into small, easy-to-move clumps that can then be easily scooped out. They also help control odors, and the litter doesn't need to be replaced as often, making it more economical and practical in households with multiple cats.

After talking about the advantages, let’s talk about its disadvantages. The first thing I want to mention is something that is not very certain. According to some medical data, coagulated clay cat litter can cause health problems for cats. Although this has not been conclusively proven, it will always make many cat owners choose Cat litter is very difficult. Secondly, if you don’t want your sewer pipes to get clogged, you’d better not flush the cat litter into the toilet, because it’s really easy to get clogged, which I know very well. Also, because a cat typically cleans its feet by "licking" after using the litter box, any "dirty litter" on its paws has the potential to be ingested. Just imagine, since this kind of cat litter can block sewer pipes, it will definitely block the cat’s blood vessels. According to relevant reports, once these cat litters enter the cat's body, they will swell and clump, causing blockage in the cat's digestive tract.

3. Plant-based litter

These cat litters are well-known for their environmental protection (degradable and renewable). They are made from a variety of plant materials including wheat, corn, grass, alfalfa, peanut shells and citrus and can be made into balls or granules. If you or your cat has health issues, these litters are a better choice because they produce little to no dust. And most plant-based cat litters are lightweight, smell fresh and clean, and control odor well without the use of chemicals or additives. Although they do not form hard clumps like clumping cat litter, most can form soft clumps and can be dug out, but it requires a little effort when digging. Unlike clumping cat litter, plant-based cat litter can be flushed into the toilet in small amounts, so it is easier to clean up.

The disadvantages of this type of cat litter are strong retention, low availability and high cost. Regarding retention, because it is a lighter cat litter, it is more likely to remain on your cat's paws.

You are unlikely to find plant-based cat litters in your local grocery store or small supermarket, but they can be found at some large pet supply stores or health food stores. As mentioned earlier, they are more expensive than clay-based cat litters, but manufacturers claim they are more durable and therefore more valuable. Some manufacturers will also claim that the litter is compostable, but you'd better not because of the risk of spreading diseases like toxoplasmosis.

4. Sawdust type

This type of cat litter also has relativelyGood environmental protection. They come in various particle sizes and can be made from wood, wood fiber, bark, sawdust and other wood by-products. These litters are usually dust-free but can have a heavier wood smell, and they break down when exposed to moisture. For this reason, wood chip litters work well at absorbing urine and controlling odors. A small amount of this type of cat litter can also be flushed into the sewer.

As for the disadvantages, sawdust cat litter and plant-based cat litter are relatively similar. They both have the disadvantages of strong retention, low availability and high cost.

5. Paper type

This type of cat litter is made from biodegradable recycled paper, newspapers or recycled paper mill by-products. It comes in two main forms: granular and lumpy. They are both lightweight and not only absorb moisture and control odor well, but when they get stuck on your cat's paws, they are easier to clean than clay-based litter. Because the particles of paper-type cat litter are relatively small, the dosage is also smaller. Although there are no clumping, it will turn gray after peeing and is easy to identify, so it is easy to remove. They generally don't create dust, can be flushed down the toilet (but only in small amounts), and don't leave much of a trace. It’s worth mentioning that some people worry that the ink remaining in recycled paper may be toxic, but in fact, those inks made from paper mill by-products should not have this problem.

6. Silica gel type (crystal cat litter)

This is the latest product in cat litter. These small round particles of biodegradable silicone look like clear beads. They have a strong ability to absorb liquids, so urine condensation does not need to be cleaned frequently, but cat poop must be scooped out every day. Crystal cat litter is light in weight and has good deodorizing effect. Some people report that after using this cat litter, the odor is still very strong, but in fact, as long as you clean the cat's poop regularly and stir the cat litter from time to time, the odor can actually be effectively eliminated. So under what circumstances does this kind of cat litter usually need to be replaced? The answer is: when the pellets turn yellow (if you only have one cat, this litter will turn yellow in about a month), then throw them away and replace them with new litter. The disadvantages of crystal cat litter are that they cost more, and some cats don’t like their texture because it feels prickly. In addition, if you choose incorrectly, you can easily buy toxic crystal cat litter, so be careful.

The most comprehensive range of cat litter types and suggestions

7. Medicinal type

For those with high risk of lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) For cats, this litter can be used as an "early warning system" for this type of disease. FLUTD is a common cause of illness and death in male cats.reason. When the pH of a cat's urine rises, this type of cat litter will change color, usually bright red, alerting the owner that the cat's body may be abnormal. High-grade medicinal cat litter can clump, has less dust, is washable, environmentally friendly, lightweight, and does not contain sodium bentonite. If your cat is prone to FLUTD, this type of product can save its life to a great extent in time. The disadvantage of medicinal cat litter is obvious, and that is the cost - it should be the most expensive product among all cat litters. However, it can also be used regularly as a preventive product. Additionally, this type of cat litter is often sold by veterinarians.