What causes a cat's mouth to be swollen? Come and find out

Pet Other

The cat’s mouth is swollen? The main causes include allergies, trauma, oral diseases, and granulomas. First of all, if the cat comes into contact with some allergens, such as food, toys, etc., it will cause allergic swelling of the lips. Secondly, if the cat accidentally pricks its lip with some sharp foreign object, the trauma will also cause inflammation and swelling. Furthermore, when cats suffer from oral diseases such as gingivitis and angular stomatitis, the disease spreads to the lower lip, causing the lips to swell. Finally, if your cat still has local itching, hair loss, redness and swelling, it is likely to be suffering from eosinophilic granuloma, which is an inflammatory disease of the skin.

What is the reason for the swollen mouth of a cat? Come and find out~

1. Allergy

What if the cat Eating food with allergens by mistake, coming into contact with certain allergen items, or taking drugs recently that cause drug allergy, etc., can lead to lip allergies and edema. Generally, cats may also experience facial redness, swelling, and vomiting. , skin rash and other symptoms. At this time, you need to find out the allergen, whether it is food, items or drugs, and then use different treatment methods according to different allergens.

2. Trauma

If the cat’s mouth is injured, such as being scratched by sharp objects such as bones, fish bones, etc., the scratched area may become red, swollen and inflamed. In this regard, the owner can open the cat's mouth and check to see if there is any foreign body or wound. If there is a foreign body, you need to pull out the foreign body first, and then apply some antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs on the wound.

3. Oral diseases

What is the reason for the swollen mouth of the cat? Come and find out~

If Cats suffer from oral diseases such as gingivitis and angular stomatitis. When the disease spreads to the lower lip, it may cause swelling. The cat may also have symptoms such as bad breath, drooling, red and swollen gums, and ulcers. In this regard, the owner can check whether there is inflammation or ulceration in the cat’s mouth. If so, the cat needs to be sent to a pet hospital for treatment immediately.

4. Granuloma

Feline granuloma is generally considered to be eosinophilic granuloma, a type of catA relatively common skin disease can cause symptoms such as abnormal thickening, swelling, and hair loss on the edges of a cat's lips. The general treatment method is to use anti-inflammatory drugs to control inflammation, and at the same time, use antibacterial drugs to prevent secondary infection of the damaged area. During the treatment period, you need to take medication on time and clean the cat’s mouth every day to prevent food from rotting and fermenting and aggravating the condition. In addition, it is best to give some foods that are easy to chew.