Will beating a cat improve its memory? Violence cannot solve the problem at all

Pet Other

In fact, in general, cats are pets with very good personalities, so more and more young people are joining the ranks of petting cats. However, there are also some cats that have bad tempers and are disobedient. Therefore, a pet owner may beat the cat violently when he is angry. So, can violence really solve the problem? Do cats hold grudges?

 Will beating a cat increase its memory? Violence cannot solve the problem at all

Beating a cat will increase its memory. Cats are creatures with a high degree of freedom and are also very smart. When they get a spanking for one thing, they will be careful not to do that thing in the future. Many owners worry that their cats are sensitive and will retaliate against them if the spanking is remembered, and may even not want to get close to them in the future. In fact, cats are not so petty. They will not think of ways to retaliate against you just because they were beaten.

 Will beating a cat improve its memory? Violence cannot solve the problem at all

Do not hit the cat's head, belly, or limbs . The belly is the most sensitive part of a cat. Only people who trust the most will open their belly. Most people will walk away if they touch the cat’s belly, let alone hit it; and the head is important to any animal. , you can pat the cat's head gently, but never hit it hard; the cat's limbs are very fragile, and if a person accidentally hits it hard, the cat will easily break.