6 wild boars appeared on the highway, the car failed to avoid and hit them, and the car was fully responsible

Pet News

Wild boars are one of the most familiar wild animals to Chinese people. They once existed in large numbers in most forests in my country and were the basic prey of large predators such as tigers and leopards. In the past when productivity was underdeveloped, people basically lived a life of "eating from the mountains and the sea". At that time, wild boars were an important prey for people.

With subsequent over-hunting, habitat destruction, and loss, the number of wild boars dropped sharply and disappeared in most forests, becoming increasingly uncommon and only found in some areas affected by human influence. Only in small forests can healthy populations exist.

Six wild boars appeared on the highway, and the car failed to avoid the collision and was fully responsible

As the awareness of animal protection gradually becomes more and more popular, and our country The effectiveness of ecological environment construction continues to show. In recent years, the number of wild boars has increased rapidly and visibly to the naked eye. One of the obvious evidences is that they appear more and more frequently in people's sights.

Nanjing, for example, is a city where wild boars appear frequently. Nanjing is even nicknamed the "City of Wild Boars" by netizens because of this. Compared with wild boars appearing in ordinary places, the appearance of wild boars on the road is more thrilling and scary. Recently, an accident occurred on the Suiyang section of the Wuzun Expressway in Guizhou due to a wild boar walking onto the highway.

Wild boars suddenly appear on the highway, scaring car owners

If you are driving on the highway and suddenly find a group of wild boars in front of you, what will you do? Recently, Mr. Ren encountered such a thrilling thing.

The thing is like this, Mr. Ren was driving on the Suiyang section of the Wuzun Expressway. Since it was after 10 o'clock at night, it was already dark and the view was not that good, so he drove close Only then did I realize that a group of wild boars suddenly appeared. There were 6 large and small animals in total.

Mr. Ren was startled by the sudden scene, and he couldn't avoid it for a moment before he bumped into it. Fortunately, no one was injured due to the slow speed of the vehicle at the time. Two of the wild boars quickly escaped from the roadside after being hit.

Afterwards, the traffic police retrieved the video data from the driving recorder and found that at around 22:00 that night, while the vehicle was driving on the Wuzun Expressway, it collided with a group of wild boars crossing the road, including two. The wild boar came into contact with the front of the car. The other wild boars were frightened and fled the scene immediately. The two hit wild boars did not seem to be seriously injured and quickly slipped away from the grass on the roadside.

Although Mr. Ren took full responsibility, he found that the wild boar was handled calmly and appropriately, and no serious harm was caused.The front of the car suffered minor damage, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

What should you do if you encounter a wild animal on the road?

This is not an isolated incident, nor is it the first time that cars hit wild animals across the country every year. For example, in December 2021, Nanjing driver Yang hit a wild boar while driving his car to Yanzi Village.

6 wild boars appeared on the highway, and the car failed to avoid the collision and was fully responsible

Seeing this, many people may ask, what is the road? What should you do if you encounter a wild animal? If you can't avoid it, can you hit it directly?

First of all, remember that you should not turn the steering wheel hard when driving on the highway, because this will cause serious rollover. Therefore, we must keep in mind "Give speed, don't give way." If an animal is found far away, the driver can slow down first, turn on the double flash, and change lanes to avoid it if conditions permit.

If the distance is very close when discovered, or the animal suddenly jumps out, it is recommended that the driver hold the steering wheel tightly and hit it directly to ensure the safety of the people on the car to the greatest extent. Of course, the best way is to nip it in the bud. We must pay attention when driving, drive without fatigue, fasten seat belts, etc., and develop good driving habits.

Wild boar is one of the "Three Certain" protected animals in the country. Many people are worried that if they hit a wild boar directly and kill it, they will bear legal consequences.

In fact, legally, there is a saying of "emergency evacuation". It is not illegal to kill a wild boar under unavoidable circumstances. It is not even a protected animal under the "Three Haves", even if it is a first-level protected animal. ,is also like this. Wild animals are legally regarded as "things" and are not responsible subjects. They belong to the state. Human rights to life and health are higher than any property rights. Therefore, when we have no choice but to harm wild animals in order to protect life and health, Animals do not need to bear legal responsibility.

However, you cannot take the wild boar as your own after being killed. Such a ridiculous thing has happened before.

In June 2018, Mr. Chen from Zhejiang hit and killed a wild boar on the Cangnan section of the Shenhai Expressway. Because the vehicle was seriously damaged, he asked the traffic police to take away the wild boar carcass to compensate for his losses. The traffic police refused. Wild animals that die in car accidents have to be handed over to relevant departments for harmless treatment.

The number of wild boars is soaring

Wild boars are often seen in animal-related car accidents, and this is inseparable from the fact that their numbers have soared in the past ten years. The population development of wild boar isExperienced decline and rise again.

After the 1950s, the populations of most animals have declined sharply, which naturally includes wild boars. However, later on, as the country vigorously protected the ecological environment and severely cracked down on poaching and poaching, the populations of many wild animals began to recover.

Because of the strong reproductive capacity of wild boars, their numbers have soared, and in some areas wild boars have even reached overrun levels.

According to expert assessment, the number of wild boars nationwide is approximately 1.2 million, and it is overrun in some areas. For example, in Tongjiang County, Sichuan, as early as 2020, it was estimated that there were as many as 20,000 wild boars in the county. They destroyed crops in groups and caused considerable losses to local farmers, so much so that the county issued a "pig-killing order" and 750 of them were artificially killed for ecological reasons.

Wild boars are the first among wild animals to reach the point of local flooding, thanks to their super reproductive ability.

A female wild boar can theoretically give birth to 2-12 cubs in one litter, usually more than 9, and their cub survival rate is extremely high and the gestation period is extremely short, so once the environment Once it becomes suitable, wild boar will grow at an alarming rate.

There are more wild animals, which means that the ecological environment has improved. This is a happy and good thing, but it is also important to know that as there are more animals, there will be more and more incidents of contact with humans. , and phenomena similar to wild boars taking to the highway will occur more often as their numbers further increase.

This warns car owners to be extra careful when driving through mountainous areas or on roads where wild animals are present, and at the same time try to slow down the speed to avoid car accidents due to the sudden appearance of animals.