A 2-meter-long snake broke into the company lobby and scared away employees. The police fought and released it.

Pet News

Recently, a thrilling thing happened in a company in Nanjing, Jiangsu: a 2-meter-long snake suddenly broke into the company lobby, scaring the employees and running away. In order to protect the safety of employees, local police rushed to the scene and successfully caught the snake and moved it to a safe area.

The 2-meter-long snake broke into the company hall and scared away the employees. The police

It is understood that, This incident occurred in a company located in Nanjing. At that time, employees were working in the office when they suddenly heard strange sounds coming from the hall. They walked out of the office and were surprised to see a long snake swimming in the hall. The appearance of the snake caused the employees to run away in fear, and some even cried in fear.

Subsequently, the employees quickly called the police and asked the police to come and help. After receiving the alarm, the police immediately rushed to the scene and investigated and analyzed the situation. In order to prevent the snake from escaping and running around, the police found a long pole net, carefully approached it, caught it and moved it to the outdoor lawn. During this process, the police must operate carefully to avoid frightening or attacking the snake.

In the end, after a few minutes of "struggle", the police successfully transferred the snake into a bag, and then took it to a safe area and released it. Although this process was dangerous, the police officers showed extremely high professionalism and courage to ensure the safety of employees and the safety of life and property.

A 2-meter-long snake broke into the company lobby to scare away employees. The police

This incident It has aroused widespread attention and response from society. Many netizens praised the police officers for their courage and professionalism, calling them a group of heroes who serve the people. This once again proves the good image and quality of the Chinese police. They always put the interests and needs of the people first in their work, and use their actions to make important contributions to the harmonious development of society.

In the future, with the development and progress of society, the responsibilities and missions of the police will become more important and arduous. We believe that there will be more and more good police officers like the Nanjing Police, and they will provide better services to the people.services and guarantees, and make greater contributions to the harmonious development of society.