A Basset dog with big ears like Dumbo, come and find out!

Pet News

When it comes to cartoons, each of us has many impressive characters in our hearts, and Dumbo is one of them. Few people pay attention. But no one thought that in reality, there is also a kind of dog with "Dumbo"-like big ears, that is the Basset dog.

Many people think that the Basset dog always maintains a sad expression on its face, which makes people feel quite sad. Misinterpretation caused by Jido dog. Today, the editor will take you to have a better understanding of Basset dogs.

A Basset dog with big ears like

1. History

The Basset Hound, also known as the Basset Hound, comes from western France and was first bred to hunt small animals, such as raccoons, foxes, and rabbits. In 1880, Basset dogs were brought to England by French nobles. After the Revolutionary War, someone gave it to George Washington, so the Basset dog was brought to North America. After a long period of breeding and breeding, Basset dogs are becoming more and more popular.

2. Morphological characteristics

1. Ears: very iconic, growing from both sides of the head, big and long, and the length will exceed the chin.

2. Head: the head is very long, the bridge of the nose is high when viewed from the side, the mouth is plump, and the head of the Basset dog is relatively large, the skin is relatively loose, and there are obvious wrinkles on the forehead;


3. Eyes: The corners of the eyes are slanted downward, and the eyelids are everted, which looks deep and cute;

4. Body: The body is long and looks like a sausage at first glance;

5. Limbs: short and powerful, with heavy bones. Basset dogs with short limbs are like a sports car with a very low chassis, giving people a particularly stable feeling;

6. Tail: The tail is very long with a thin end. When walking, the tail is held high and bent upward ;

7. Coat color: relatively hard, short and smooth, especially dense, with various colors, basically black, white, brown or white and lemon.

3. Personality and habits

1. A keen sense of smell: Basset dogs are a kind of smell hounds, and they rely on their developed sense of smell to lock and track their prey, so they were later trained to be Working dogs, used to follow leads in cases.

2. Stubbornness: The IQ of the Basset dog ranks 71st in the dog world. It is quite smart, but its personality is rather stubborn. There are many difficulties, and this is also the place where many novice shit shovelers are more distressed.

3. Friendly: Basset has a gentle personality, likes to play with children, and can easily get along with any member of the family and get along well. However, it is also more friendly to strangers, so this breed is not suitable for guarding the gate.

4. Lively: Don't look at the melancholy face of the Basset dog, but in fact it has a very lively personality. You have to explore everything you see, so you must lead it when you take it out, otherwise If you don't pay attention, it will disappear.

5. Relatively clingy: Basset dogs have a super clingy personality, and they need to have enough time and energy to accompany them. If you leave a Basset dog alone at home for an extended period of time, what awaits you may be a renovated home and complaints from neighbors.

Finally, a warm reminder: If you are a person with a cleanliness, don’t consider raising a Basset dog, because it may be related to its loose skin, and the Basset dog drools a lot ~