A Siberian tiger was seen in Jilin at night, and was caught on camera going down the mountain to look for food.

Pet News

To date, my country still ranks first in the world in terms of the number of tiger subspecies. In addition to the extinct Xinjiang tiger, there are four other species: South China tiger, Siberian tiger, Bengal tiger and Indochinese tiger. But when it comes to the number of wild tigers, they are very rare. Even the Siberian tiger, the most important wild tiger species in my country, has a population of only about 60.

A Siberian tiger was seen in Jilin at night, and was captured by surveillance cameras going down the mountain to forage.

Historically, the number of wild tigers in our country was very large. After the 1950s, due to excessive hunting and habitat destruction, a large number of tigers eventually disappeared. Only a few areas still have healthy populations. Among them, the Siberian tiger lives on the border between China and Russia. part of the area.

Thanks to my country’s protection of Siberian tigers over the years and the gradual improvement of the ecological environment, the number of Siberian tigers is also gradually recovering.

In 2017, the number of wild Siberian tigers in my country was only 27. By 2022, this number has exceeded 60, which is gratifying! However, as the number of Siberian tigers recovers, the corresponding phenomenon of wild tigers intruding into human activities areas has become more frequent.

The most obvious and direct evidence is that in these years, people have witnessed Siberian tigers becoming more and more frequent. In areas where Siberian tigers roam, there are more and more "tiger shadows" captured by surveillance cameras.

Amur tigers go down the mountain to look for food at night

For people in some areas of Hunchun, Jilin, discovering Siberian tigers is nothing new. For example, recently, a sturdy Siberian tiger slipped down the mountain at night and sneaked near a military camp in an attempt to prey on a dog in a kennel.

The incident occurred in Jintang Village, Jingxin Town, Hunchun City, which is close to the pasture and has a relatively superior ecological environment. It is an area where Siberian tigers are found. From the surveillance footage, we can see a sturdy tiger with distinctive colorful patterns on its body, strolling near a military camp. It first tiptoed, and then looked around, as if looking for prey.

A Siberian tiger was seen in Jilin at night, and was photographed by surveillance cameras while going down the mountain to look for food.

After a while, the Siberian tiger wandered near a kennel and saw a dog sleeping inside, unaware of the tiger's appearance.

After the Siberian tiger discovered the dog, it wandered around. Fortunately, there was a fence separating it. After wandering around for several minutes, the Siberian tiger still could not find a breakthrough. Finally, it looked at the dog and reluctantly left. The Siberian tiger that had not caught any food quickly disappeared from surveillance and returned to the mountains.

It is foreseeable that if it were not for the fence, the dog would not be able to escape. Jingxin Town is the core area of ​​the Siberian Tiger and Leopard National Park. It has a superior ecological environment and a large number of wild animals, so Siberian tigers are often seen.

When ferocious beasts come down the mountain, dogs bear the brunt

As the number of wild animals continues to increase, the phenomenon of intruding into human living areas also occurs more frequently. Take Siberian tigers descending from the mountains as an example, it happens every year. Unlike ordinary wild animals, tigers are large carnivores and extremely dangerous.

Most of the time they go down the mountain to look for food, and in the many incidents of tigers going down the mountain to hunt, their prey targets are domesticated dogs. For example, around February 2008 alone, seven dogs were killed by Siberian tigers in Hunchun.

After 2012, Siberian tigers descended from the mountains to prey on dogs more frequently, with two incidents occurring in December of that year. Some of the dogs that were preyed on were bred by villagers, while others were police dogs of the border defense force.

When wild beasts come down the mountain, dogs are the first to bear the brunt. Why is this happening? Large carnivores such as tigers and leopards basically prefer medium to large ungulates as prey. For example, an ecological study based on the Sikhote Mountains found that the top three main prey items of Siberian tigers are red deer, wild boar, and roe deer.

A Siberian tiger was seen in Jilin at night, and was captured by surveillance cameras going down the mountain to look for food.

It stands to reason that after it goes down the mountain, it will be the first to hunt. They are cattle and sheep, but why are dogs the first to bear the brunt? In fact, when Siberian tigers go down the mountain, a large part of their prey is indeed cattle and sheep. However, after more incidents, cattle and sheep will be closely watched by farmers, and their awareness of prevention will be raised to the highest level, while dogs are relatively free.

In addition, dogs are extremely sensitive animals. After discovering the presence of a tiger, driven by a strong sense of mission, they will deal with the tiger. This will undoubtedly anger the tiger and lead to predators.

Be wary of the intrusion of large carnivores

The phenomenon of tigers going down the mountain is becoming more and more frequent. On the one hand, it is a reflection of the improvement of the ecology and the increase in the number of wild animals. On the other hand, it is alsoPeople need to be alert.

Especially when encountering a tiger, never linger, take photos, or even make videos to tease, and never let the tiger become familiar with the presence of humans. Many bloody lessons at home and abroad warn us. , to keep tigers sufficiently unfamiliar to humans.

There have been many man-eating tigers in the past. Some scientists have studied man-eating tigers and found that most man-eating tigers are vulnerable individuals, such as those who are old, sick, or driven to the edge of their territory. , their common characteristic is that they are unable to hunt wild prey, and instead focus on slow-moving humans.

Of course, there are also some healthy tigers that transform into man-eating tigers, such as the Sundarbans mangroves, where man-eating tigers often appear.

After detailed research, scientists found that local people often went into the mangroves to work, and the tigers there became accustomed to the presence of humans. Motivated by the blood of the beasts, the tigers began to try to prey on humans, and gradually tasted the presence of humans. To the sweetness. This is the reason why tigers that have eaten humans must be killed, because this experience will be spread among the group.

Leopard attacks on people often occur in India. Looking at the current leopards in our country, they almost never hurt people. The main reason is that in addition to the relatively large number of leopards in India, the main reason is that there are more leopards in India. Leopards are often found in human areas.

For example, in Mumbai, leopards often sneak into the streets at night to prey on stray dogs. The leopards in our country almost live in the deep mountains and old forests without any contact with humans. Strangeness makes wild animals feel awe of humans, causing them to avoid humans in their lives.

The number of Siberian tigers in our country is very rare, but the number of Siberian tigers in neighboring Russia has already reached more than 700, gradually reaching the saturation level of the environment. There have been no tigers living in the inland areas of Siberia since ancient times, and it is not suitable for tigers to survive there. Therefore, the ultimate way out for Russian tigers is to keep migrating to our country.

Linhaixue in Northeast China was originally the home of the Siberian tiger. The recovery of the Siberian tiger population is inevitable, so when entering areas where tigers and leopards are present, you must be vigilant and do not go unless necessary.