A calf in Heilongjiang was bitten to death by an unknown beast and its neck was bitten off

Pet News

The Siberian tiger is currently the most important wild tiger species in my country, with a population of about 60, mainly living in a few areas such as Jilin and Heilongjiang.

A calf in Heilongjiang was bitten to death by an unknown beast, and its neck was bitten off

In the early years, the number of Siberian tigers in my country was still very rare. , but thanks to the country’s vigorous protection, their population is gradually increasing. This can be intuitively felt from the increasingly common sightings and attacks on domestic animals in recent years.

In some key distribution areas of Siberian tigers in Heilongjiang Province, the appearance of wild Siberian tigers has become normal, and people are even accustomed to it.

Tiger is a very ferocious large predator. As their population increases, the probability of them appearing in human activity areas increases. Correspondingly, conflicts between humans and tigers also increase. will gradually appear, the most direct manifestation of which is that Siberian tigers will prey on livestock.

As long as we enter relevant keywords on the Internet, we can find a lot of news about Siberian tigers preying on livestock. Not to mention far away, for example, in early June 2023, an incident occurred in Wulindong Town, Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province, where a wild Siberian tiger preyed on a calf. The cattle that the villagers were grazing on the mountain were attacked. A calf that was just seven or eight days old was attacked. The calf was killed.

A calf was bitten to death, leaving huge claw marks on the scene

Coincidentally, recently, another case of a calf being bitten to death by a large predator occurred in Siping Village, Muling City, Heilongjiang Province. event.

It is reported that the calf had already expired when the villagers found it. There were clear claw marks of large animals left at the scene. Judging from the shape and size, it was most likely left by an adult Siberian tiger. .

This calf was killed by having its neck bone broken directly, and two obvious tooth holes were left in the corresponding parts, indicating that the bite force of the beast that killed the calf was huge. In addition, part of the calf's body has been eaten. Judging from the food intake, it is more in line with the tiger's food intake.

The Siberian tiger is the top predator in the forest ecosystem and a beast standing at the top of the food chain. For them, medium and large ungulates are the most suitable prey.

A team composed of researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society and Durham University conducted ecological research in the Sikhote Mountains and found that the main food sources of Siberian tigers are: red deer. , wild boar, roe deer, etc. Catching prey of this size is the most cost-effective.

The size of the calf happens to be within this range, and the otherIn addition, domesticated livestock are easier to hunt than wild prey.

The number of Siberian tigers is rising, you need to be vigilant in daily life

Before the 1950s, the number of wild tigers in our country was very abundant, ranking first in the world, so there was a huge gap between humans and tigers. The conflict was very intense.

After the 1950s, due to large-scale hunting by humans and the destruction of habitats, the number of tiger populations dropped sharply, including the Siberian tiger.

However, because the area where Siberian tigers live is connected to Russia, a large part of the wild Siberian tigers fled to Russia. This is why after Russia also experienced a large number of tiger hunting incidents, other countries’ An important reason why the number of Siberian tigers can increase rapidly in a short period of time.

Later, our country also realized the importance of tigers and began to vigorously protect them. The fate of the Siberian tiger also ushered in a turning point. At the beginning of the pilot project of the Siberian Tiger and Leopard National Park in 2017, the number of wild Siberian tigers in my country was only 27, but now it has increased to more than 60.

A calf in Heilongjiang was bitten to death by an unknown beast, and its neck was bitten off

It is an indisputable fact that the number of Siberian tigers is gradually increasing. As the number of tigers increases, people living in tiger-infested areas need to be more vigilant.

Unlike other wild animals, tigers are extremely dangerous, both to humans and livestock. Therefore, people living in these places need to be extra vigilant in their daily lives, try to avoid going up the mountain alone, and do not disturb them too much if they encounter tigers.

How powerful is the tiger’s bite?

This time the calf was attacked by an unknown beast, and all signs indicate that it was the Siberian tiger. The calf's neck bone was bitten off, leaving two huge tooth holes, which made people marvel at its strong bite force.

Some people may be curious, how powerful is the bite force of a tiger? In fact, bite force is a relatively general concept. Specifically, it can be divided into canine bite force, molar bite force, etc. The bite force we often refer to generally refers to canine bite force unless otherwise specified. Regarding the bite force of wild animals, there is no shortage of corresponding research in the academic community.

Some experts such as Stephen Luo from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Sydney published a research paper on animal bite force in the magazine "Life Science" in 2005. In my opinion, some of the data mentioned in it are Relatively reliable.

The paper mentioned that the 186.9-kg tiger has a canine bite force of 1525 Newtons and a bite force quotient of 127. What is the concept? possibleThe numbers don’t look very intuitive, so let’s compare them.

A 30kg cheetah has a canine bite force of about 470 and a bite force quotient of 119. The bite force quotient of the brown bear is 78 and the bite force quotient of the lion is 112, indicating that under the same weight conditions, their bite force is not as strong as that of the tiger.

Events of Siberian tigers descending from the mountains to prey on livestock have always happened. As the number of wild tigers increases, I believe similar incidents will increase accordingly. This warns us that we must take appropriate measures. Take preventive measures to prevent tigers from hurting people and preying on livestock.

Another thing to note is that you must not disturb them so that they remain sufficiently unfamiliar to humans. International research on man-eating tigers shows that when the sense of strangeness disappears, the probability of tigers attacking people will greatly increase.