A fat rat comes out of a college student’s takeaway bag

Pet News

On April 26, according to Houlang Video, a college student in Nanning, Guangxi recently said that when he was getting takeout, he found a mouse scurrying in the takeout bag ordered by his classmate. This matter sparked heated discussion.

When a college student ordered a take-out bag, a fat mouse sprang out

The video showed that there were many take-out bags placed on the steps, including one take-out bag A fat mouse got into it, not only scurrying back and forth, but also sticking its head out from time to time.

A fat rat came out of a college student's takeout bag when ordering it

According to the photographer, when he went to get takeout after class, he saw a takeaway bag There was a mouse scurrying back and forth in the bag, and there happened to be a mouse hole next to the place where the takeout was placed. It was probably because the mouse smelled the aroma of the takeout and went right in. It was quite funny.

The photographer said: "I went to get takeout after class. When I passed by, I found a mouse in the takeout bag. There might be a mouse hole nearby. I took the takeaway away and didn't pay attention to it anymore. ."

In response, netizens joked: "Mouse: Why are you so polite!"