A gas company worker was bitten by a stray dog, and four cubs were trampled to death in a rage.

Pet News

A gas company worker was bitten by a stray dog ​​while performing his duties. The bitten person, in an overly emotional state, got angry at a litter of innocent stray dog ​​puppies, resulting in four of them being trampled. died and the other two were seriously injured.

A gas company employee was bitten by a stray dog, and four cubs were trampled to death in anger

According to According to reports, when a staff member of the gas company was performing a task outside, he encountered a stray dog ​​suspected of being a wild dog. The stray dog ​​suddenly attacked the worker as he approached, causing the staff member to be bitten on the wrist. Afterwards, the worker was very angry and failed to respond calmly. Instead, he decided to vent his anger on a litter of innocent stray dog ​​puppies and trampled four of them to death. According to eyewitnesses, the scene was very heartbreaking, with the puppies screaming in extreme fear and pain, and neighbors lamenting one after another.

A gas company employee was bitten by a stray dog, and four cubs were trampled to death in a rage

Event After the incident, insiders said that the police had been called and the dog had been taken away. Local animal protection groups and volunteers acted quickly to send the two surviving cubs to veterinarians for treatment and provide food and water to other stray dogs. At the same time, animal protection organizations also reported the case to the police and sought treatment for the crime of harming animals.

Not only is the tragedy caused by the incident itself, but what is even more worrying is the emotional behavior of anger and violence against weak, innocent creatures. Relying on excessive emotional impulses to forcibly harm animals not only harms the rights and dignity of animals, but also seriously threatens our social values ​​and moral bottom line. Stray animals have their own meaning and value, and they should be treated with kindness and respect and avoid unprovoked violence.

This incident also reminds us that the management of stray dogs should be strengthened and improved. Control the number of stray dogs from the source, strengthen the construction of stray animal rescue institutions, formulate and implement relevant protection policies, control the occurrence of animal injury incidents, and create a harmonious environment for people and animals to share.

In short, any behavior should be based on respect for life, on the basis of protecting the weak and self-discipline. We should cherish life, respect nature, pay attention to vulnerable groups, and not harm the life rights of animals due to impulse or emotional reasons. We should also be committed to jointly building a social environment of symbiosis, mutual assistance and harmony.