A pet beautician encountered a Tibetan Mastiff and groomed him for 7 hours, but his hands turned out like this...

Pet News

I believe that most pet stores refuse to accept pet dogs with bad tempers and thick hair such as Tibetan Mastiffs, Chow Chows, and Caucasians. Because it’s irresponsible to glorify them! Even if some pet shops dare to accept such dogs, they should be anesthetized first.

The pet beautician encountered a Tibetan Mastiff and groomed him for 7 hours, but his hands became like this...

There is a Tibetan Mastiff hidden in Taichung City, Taiwan Province, named Lane.

Due to Ryan's large size, high alertness and strong territorial awareness, there are no pet shops to welcome him all year round. As a result, his hair is messy and has severe knots in many places, which makes Ryan's owner very headache. .

When Lane's owner was in a state of anxiety, one of his friends recommended a beautician for his family. The master was overjoyed and quickly contacted the beautician Ajiu.

The pet beautician encountered a Tibetan Mastiff and groomed him for 7 hours, but his hands became like this...

When Ah Jiu came home, he was stupid because no one told him in advance that Ryan was a Tibetan mastiff. At this time, he had already started to retreat. But when the master mentioned his friend, Ah Jiu had to look at his friend's face and try his best to beautify Ryan.

Ajiu did not have any anesthetics, so he could only serve Ryan carefully. However, Ryan's hair is knotted in many places, and it hurts when he touches it. Ryan roars when he touches Ah Jiu.

Ajiu said: "This kind of big dog has many sensitive parts, and not all parts can be touched at will." "According to my many years of experience, the main ones are the head, chin, buttocks and tail. Feel free to touch."

After all, surgery is difficult. He worked for more than 7 hours from morning to night, and his hands were very close to being scrapped. Fortunately, Ryan has a good temper. When he shaved, the scars were only made by his teeth.

The pet beautician encountered a Tibetan mastiff, and he groomed her for 7 hours. When I was young, my hands became like this...

"I'm glad Ryan didn't let me see the blood. "I'm ready to go to the hospital at any time." Seeing Ryan shaved and looking like a dog, Ah Jiu felt that although the cost was a bit painful, he still had a sense of accomplishment.

When Ah Jiu finished his work that day, he couldn't go home because it was too late. So he had to choose a nearby hotel to stay. After deducting the hotel room charges, he found that the money he earned was not enough to compensate. However, he was once able to do this kind of dog grooming and it was worth his life.