A stray dog ​​escaped from the rain and strayed into the university. The security guard beat it to death for fear of hurting the students. The result is sad.

Pet News

Recently, some netizens broke the news that security guards at the Shunde campus of Southern Medical University smashed stray dogs to death with bricks, causing an uproar. The Medical University, a medical palace that trains angels in white, has such disregard for life and ends a living life so cruelly and violently, which is really horrifying.

The stray dog ​​escaped from the rain and strayed into the university. The security guard beat it to death for fear of hurting the students, and the result was disappointing

According to the video posted online, it was raining that day, and a stray dog ​​ran into the university to take shelter from the rain. The security guard was afraid that the dog would hurt the students, so he took the dog away After driving him outside, he found a brick and hit the dog on the head. After the dog screamed several times, he was beaten to death by the security guard, with blood stains still left on it.

After the incident, the school staff responded: They had checked the classroom surveillance, were very angry at the security guard's handling, and had criticized and educated him.

Stray dogs often break into the campus and they are worried that they may be in danger and injure students. The incident is currently under further processing.

This result has made many netizens very dissatisfied. They are just criticizing education. You can imagine what kind of talents such a university and such security guards can cultivate. Killing no one in a university classroom What an impact a dog without resistance has on society.

For this kind of cruel behavior, criticism and education are obviously not enough to solve the problem.

The stray dog ​​escaped from the rain and strayed into the university. The security guard beat it to death for fear of hurting the students. The result was disappointing

Although similar incidents have been common in our country in recent years, and each time they will arouse strong condemnation from society.

Innocent stray animals are harmed and abused from time to time. This is undoubtedly a shameful behavior in a civilized society. We need to call for the protection of animal rights and the construction of a harmonious society.

As a security guard who maintains campus safety, he cannot treat stray cats and dogs well on campus, so how can he rest assured that the safety of the school is in the hands of such people.

Although there is no compulsion for people to take good care ofSmall animals, but at least don't kill them. The school is a palace of nobility and purity. The occurrence of such a bloody incident is a negative teaching material of good and evil for students who have not yet entered the society.

Going back to the school’s response, they just said they would criticize and educate the security guards. They never thought that stray dogs were also alive, and said: There are often stray dogs around. However, according to feedback from students, there were no incidents of stray dogs disturbing or biting students.

What's more, the dogs were just hiding from the rain, but were brutally killed in the classroom without even barking. Such terrible things happened again and again. I hope our country will legislate to protect these small animals as soon as possible. It really hurts my heart when I think of people who torture and kill cats and dogs without having to pay any price every time.

What's more, there are many ways to deal with it, but the security guard chose the most extreme one. It is understood that: Article 24 of the "Guangzhou Dog Breeding Management Regulations" stipulates that dogs are prohibited from entering the campus. . To put it simply, dogs are not allowed on campus.

There will definitely be many people who say this is a stray dog, but Article 35 also stipulates that if other units and individuals find stray dogs, they can send the dogs to dog inspection facilities. Or notify the public security organs for handling.

In other words, the normal process is that the school should notify the public security organs to handle it, rather than let the security take action.

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