After hearing a commotion, I ran over to see that the dog had turned into a water monster. What was he doing?

Pet News

What are the confusing behaviors of dogs? Many people say they can’t read a dog’s mind and wonder what it wants to do?

After hearing a slight movement, I ran to see the dog turned into a

The behavior of the dog in this story is surprising. Did the owner teach it? Or is it a spontaneous act? It’s really unpredictable. I can’t help but ask, is your dog like this too?

This owner has a very clingy dog. It has loved to be hugged since it was a child, and it also likes to put its two paws around its neck. Every time I hold it, it always rubs against the owner's face. Anyone who sees it will think that this is a man and woman in love! Is Gouzi the reincarnation of his lover from a previous life?

Normally, dogs like to stay with cats, and over time they develop a quirk. Like cats, it likes to stay in small spaces, and especially likes to get into the sleeves of its owner's clothes.

On this day, the owner wanted to call the dog to go out and play for a while, but there was no response no matter how he called. After hearing some movement in the house, I ran to see the dog turned into a "water monster". What was it doing? Then I didn’t want to talk anymore: What’s your hobby? The dog got into the sleeve of a white dress, only its nose was exposed, and it kept wagging its tail, looking quite happy.

When the dog heard the owner's voice, it became a little anxious and seemed to be asking for help, hoping that the owner could help it quickly. I have to say that the dog’s new costume is particularly funny, and I just want to watch it quietly for a while. But he was afraid of boring the dog, so the owner rescued it in time.

After hearing a slight movement, I ran to see the dog turned into a

The dog just looked at its owner, and there was a hint of embarrassment in the air. It seems that the dog also knows that it is embarrassing, but this experience did not teach it well. It still got into the sleeves of its owner's clothes again and again, but it was different clothes each time.

Later, considering the safety of the dog, the family packed the clothes in the closet.This will prevent the dog from getting in again. In fact, dogs have many strange behaviors. Sometimes they just want to kill time and add some fun to their lives. Just like us, we like to kill boring time by listening to music and playing games.