Chasing the ambulance all the way, even though it knew its owner would never come back, it was still waiting

Pet News

I believe that many people know Akita dogs through the story of "Hachiko". And the reason why the Akita dog in "Hachiko" has always touched countless people, and even today, it is still loved by many people, is because it has a loyalty that is difficult for most people to possess. Although people have experienced this kind of loyalty in most dogs, the movie "Hachiko" has made most people remember the Akita dog and made many people like it. Got into this breed and would like to breed them.

Chasing the ambulance all the way, even though it knows that its owner will not come back, it is still waiting

However, as people's definition of pets has changed, when people nowadays raise them, they often do not ask for their performance. More often, what people need is their companionship. That’s all. Therefore, under this premise, many breeds of dogs are actually kept indoors most of the time. Moreover, in the process of raising them, most of the time, it is actually the dog owners who continue to invest time, energy, and money in these dogs, and work hard to take care of them. Therefore, most of the time, people actually It’s also hard to feel too much emotion from them.

There is a kind-hearted guy who often rescues stray animals. On this day, this guy received a special request for help. The medical staff of a hospital told me that an Akita dog ran into their hospital. According to what the medical staff learned, the Akita dog followed the ambulance all the way to their hospital the night before. But unfortunately, the dog's owner passed away in the ambulance. But the dog still loyally followed the ambulance to the hospital and never left.

Chasing the ambulance all the way, even though it knows that its owner will not come back, it is still waiting

Fortunately, this dog is relatively well-behaved and did not conflict with other people after arriving at the hospital. At the same time, the hospital was also worried that the dog's appearance would bring hidden dangers to other patients, so they took it to a relativelyA relatively remote place. However, this is not a long-term solution after all. Although the staff at the hospital appreciated the dog's loyalty, in the end they had no choice but to contact the little brother, hoping that he could help take the Akita away. After receiving the message for help from the hospital, the younger brother immediately came to the hospital with his companions.

After arriving at the hospital, under the guidance of the hospital staff, the little brother also successfully met the Akita dog that was isolated in isolation. However, the dog still looked a little depressed at this time. Maybe it also knew that its owner would never come back. But although the dog was sad, it was not hostile to anyone. Even when the little brother came close to it and hugged it, the dog did not do any drastic behavior. It just stayed quietly beside the little brother and waited silently. With...

Chasing the ambulance all the way, even though it knows its owner can't come back, it's still waiting< /p>

Afterwards, according to the information I learned, when the Akita dog followed the ambulance to the hospital, the patient was not accompanied by other family members, so the hospital had a suitable place to place this loyal dog. After learning about this situation, the little brother could only communicate with the hospital and take this loyal dog back to their stray animal rescue base. After I decided to take the dog back, I also checked the dog’s condition a little. Based on my preliminary inspection, I judged that the Akita was a female dog and was not too young.

The dog was also very cooperative when taking it away. However, when the little brother was about to take it away from the hospital, perhaps because he felt that he would never be able to see his owner again after leaving here, the Akita suddenly stopped and looked silently at the door of the hospital. for a long time. Looking at the passers-by coming and going, I don’t know what the Akita dog is thinking at this moment, and all I can do is to accompany it for a while, and then return to it. Just find a way to help it contact the owner's relatives or help it find a new owner...