Cut your nails but then abandon them. Just after one month, they can only rely on themselves.

Pet News

Nowadays, it can be said that more and more people keep pets. Although, as people's definition of pets changes. When people choose pets, they often prefer to choose some animals that are relatively rare or eye-catching in appearance, or they have some gimmicks that can attract attention as their pets. However, among the numerous pet types, people are more accustomed to it, and the pets that are most accepted by most people are still the two major animal species of cats and dogs that have accompanied people for countless years.

However, unlike people’s limited choices in the past, as more and more breeds of cats and dogs appear in people’s daily lives, people are raising cats and dogs as pets. You also have more choices. Therefore, although many people still choose cats and dogs as pets, when choosing pets, more and more people tend to prefer those that are relatively rare, more attractive in appearance, less aggressive, or have a docile and close personality. breeds of cats and dogs. As a result, traditional domestic cats and dogs have gradually become less and less popular among people.

Cut your nails but throw them away. Just after one month, it can only rely on yourself

Especially, as people The demand for pets has changed, and people no longer pursue their abilities too much when raising pets. For many people, the meaning of pets lies in their companionship. As many pet cats and dogs have become people's daily companions, the mode of raising them has also undergone tremendous changes. Many Pet cats and dogs not only have their own special cat and dog food, but also need to trim their hair regularly, and even have pet hospitals dedicated to treating them. The raising of pets is becoming more and more sophisticated, and the cost of raising them is becoming more and more expensive!

The high cost of raising pets has also brought about more than just changes in people’s perception of pets. Nowadays, it is nothing new for pets to be able to enter the house and stay with their owners day and night. Many pet cats and dogs already regard their owners as their own family members, and some even take care of them as children! Because, to a certain extent, they are indeed filling the void in some people's hearts. However, meticulous breeding also causes some owners who raise pets on impulse to encounter a lot of trouble, especially those who do not have enough time, energy and financial ability, but are envious of the pets raised by others. …

After cutting its nails but then throwing it away, it can only rely on itself when it is just one month old.

There is a kind-hearted guy in Shanghai who often rescues stray cats. On this day, this young man received a message asking for help from a kind-hearted local lady. The little sister told the little brother that she had an abandoned stray cat that was just one month old. When the little sister found it, she found that the little cat's nails had been carefully trimmed. However, before the young lady found this stray cat, someone did not understand the breeding of puppies, so out of sympathy for it, they fed it some milk when they found it, causing the stray cat to have some diarrhea. Therefore, the young lady took this stray cat back. After a period of care by the young lady, the little cat's diarrhea improved.

However, because the young lady was not planning to keep a pet, and she did not have much time and energy to take care of it, although the cat's diarrhea improved, the young lady was still worried about the cat. The placement of the little milk cat became difficult. Fortunately, the young lady accidentally learned that my brother often rescued some stray cats in the local area, so she contacted him with the mentality of giving it a try, hoping that he could help take in this poor little milk cat. . After receiving this request for help, the little brother immediately confirmed the cat's condition with the little sister, and then confirmed with the little sister the time and place to hand over the little milk cat.

When the agreed time came, the little brother showed up at the appointed place on time as agreed, and then successfully met the little milk cat who had just turned one month old. After seeing this little kitten, I soon realized that this abandoned kitten seemed to be particularly insecure. Because when the little brother took the little kitten away, the dirty little kitten was very clingy and liked to cling to people's arms to keep warm. At the same time, when the little brother fed it some canned cats, the little brother also found that the little milk cat seemed to be particularly hungry. From every move of the cat, the little brother also felt that the little milk cat was being abandoned. He obviously suffered a lot after that...

However, behind the cat's sympathetic actions, the little brother also discovered that this little milk cat has a particularly strong and independent side. In the process of being taken in by the little brother and being brought back to the small courtyard, the little brother discovered that this young kitten had already learned how to clean its hair by itself. At the same time, when facing the little brother, if he could not get his attention, and care, it can always take care of itself. It is precisely because of the cat's strength and independence that my brother quickly fell in love with this little milk cat that is not pretty in appearance. Therefore, after confirming that there was no big problem with the cat, I decided toBrought it back directly.

Cut the nails but abandon it. Just one month old, it can only rely on itself

Take the little milk kitten back After that, the little brother also immediately prepared a cat nest, cat litter and a series of things that the pet cat needs. And this little milk cat seems to particularly like the new environment prepared by the little brother. As soon as it entered the cat's nest prepared by my brother, it kept stepping on the milk. And on the new chassis, it is also directly "marked". After the cat got familiar with the new environment, the little brother also helped clean up the little cat's fur. After cleaning the cat, the little milk cat successfully moved into my brother's stray animal rescue base.

As time goes by, with the comfortable environment and the careful care of the little brother, the physical condition of this little milk cat is getting better day by day. At the same time, cats’ appetites are also increasing. After a week of careful care, the cat's physical condition has reached its peak, and the brother has successfully moved it from the isolation area to the resettlement area so that it can live with more friends. Moreover, after a period of care, it was confirmed that the cat was eligible for adoption, and the little brother began to arrange the adoption of this stray cat.