Documentary: A Sichuan man picked up a yellow dog, thinking it was an unwanted stray dog, but found out that it was not simple

Pet News

"If this dog doesn't leave today, it's me and my daughter. You can send it away right away."

In 2009, a man in Sichuan accidentally picked up a stray dog. Unexpectedly, his wife looked at it and But she got furious and insisted on divorcing him.

After the man’s persuasion, he finally managed to keep the dog, but found out that the dog’s identity had a lot of background.

So, what is the identity of this big yellow dog? What is the final outcome of the dog?


The Romance of Humans and Dogs

On the sixth day of the first lunar month in 2009, this day was originally a day for family reunion, but the family of Jia Jun, a man who lives in Xingwen County, Sichuan, was in a state of chaos. .

When Jia Jun’s wife came home from a visit to relatives in the afternoon, she was startled by the big yellow dog in front of her when she opened the door. Seeing the big dog standing at the door, she quickly picked up her daughter and closed the door tightly. Her voice was full of horror and dissatisfaction.

"Jia Jun, where did this dog come from? Why did you bring it home?" Guo Xiang asked loudly.

While pulling the big yellow dog, Jia Jun explained the origin of the dog to his wife, trying to calm her anger.

This dog was picked up by Jia Jun on the way to work in the morning when he was delivering goods. At that time, he was anxiously talking to his customers on the phone. However, a "rustling" sound interrupted his thoughts.

Jia Jun looked back and found that there was nothing around him but grass. He felt a little scared and walked towards the car.

Documentary: A Sichuan man picked up a yellow dog, thinking it was an unwanted stray dog, but it turned out that it was not a simple thing.

However, the sound of "rustling" interrupted his movements again.

At this time, Jia Jun's curiosity was aroused, and he walked towards the grass regardless of his fear. He waved the branches in his hands and yelled, trying to scare out the things hiding in the grass.

Suddenly, a big yellow dog walked out of the grass slowly. Jia Jun was greatly surprised when he saw this. Compared with ordinary native dogs, this dog is taller and has golden fur, which is very beautiful.

I originally thought that this dog would bite people, but when Jia Jun got closer, he found that this yellow dog was not afraid of people.Come appear very happy and intimate. Xiao Jia took a closer look and saw that the yellow dog still had a dog chain tied around its neck. He thought it might have been abandoned by its owner and wandered here.

Jia Jun stepped forward, carefully reached out his hand, and gently touched the dog's head. The big yellow dog came up very close, which made Jia Jun very happy and a little surprised at the same time.

Jia Jun felt very sad when he saw the big yellow dog like this. He bent down and touched the dog’s head, comforting him softly: “Let’s go, I will take you home.”

As Jia Jun drove the car, the dog curled up next to him, looking at him dreamily and wagging its tail, as if to tell him its gratitude.

Jia Jun couldn't help but recall that when he was a child, there was a dog at home. Although the dog had died many years ago, to Jia Jun, the dog was always a kind existence.

It licked Jia Jun’s hand with its wet nose, as if to express its gratitude to him.

Jia Jun touched it. It was okay if he didn’t touch it. But when he touched it, he was frightened. Good guy, the big yellow dog is actually pregnant.

When he got home, Jia Jun quickly made a sumptuous meal for the dog. He cut up the duck and pork and put them in the pot to cook. There was an aroma coming out of the pot, and the dog seemed to feel the temptation of the food. He stood beside it and kept licking his mouth.

Jia Jun put the hot food into a large bowl and placed the bowl on the ground.

The dog smelled the aroma of the food, jumped over excitedly, and ate most of the bowl of food in one go. Its expression was very satisfied and its tail was wagging.

Seeing the dog eating so deliciously, Jia Jun also felt a warm current surge in his heart. Because the dog was good and obedient, Jia Jun gave it a name, Guaiguai.

After eating obediently, he sniffed in the living room, walked around curiously, and then began to chase Jia Jun and play a game of hide and seek.

Jia Junze was teasing Guaguai with toys while running, watching it running around the room excitedly, and a happy smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

However, when the wife came home, this beautiful scene was broken.

He had a falling out with his wife over raising a dog

When Jia Jun explained the origin and history of the dog, he expressed his desire to take it in, but he didn’t expect his wife to get angry after hearing this. Come everywhere.

She hugged her daughter, glared at Jia Jun, and shouted at her husband: "You still dare to adopt a dog? Have you forgotten what happened last year?"

Listen When his wife mentioned what happened last year, Jia Jun's face became a little ugly.

He knew that his wife had always been afraid of dogs. Last year, when his wife Guo Xiang was doing farm work, she was bitten on the leg by a wild dog, and blood dripped down her trouser legs. This is also the reason why she is so strongly opposed to adopting Guaiguai.

"That's a wild dog, and Guaiguai is an abandoned stray dog. They are different." Jia Jun tried to explain.

"Are they different?! I only know,Dogs can bite. Have you forgotten that the dog bit me last year after I got the injection, and our child was weaned because of it? "Guo Xiang was emotional, her eyes full of dissatisfaction and pain.

After the fierce quarrel, his wife returned to her parents' home. Jia Jun was sitting on the sofa, holding the stool that his wife had just kicked down, frowning. He knew that he seemed to be a little impulsive in this matter and did not consider his wife's emotions.

He sighed deeply and felt a little at a loss. He also knew that his wife was very sensitive. When it comes to raising dogs, he didn't expect that she would have such a strong resistance to dogs.

Jia Jun closed his eyes and felt very uncomfortable recalling the incident where his wife was bitten by a wild dog.


He is not a callous person, although he really likes this dog and thinks it is cute and well-behaved. But he still loves his wife and daughter deeply.

He picked up the phone and called his wife, but no one answered the phone. He felt a little worried and regretful, feeling that his performance might have been a little too much.

In the following time, Jia Jun kept expressing his apology and asked his wife to give him two days. If he disobeys, he will send him away.

Seeing that the husband took the initiative to apologize, the wife also forgave him and could not quarrel over a dog. She also returned home, thinking that it would be fine in two days.

As time went by, Guo Xiang began to slowly accept Guaiguai's existence. Sometimes, she would secretly observe Guaiguai's behavior and found that it was very sensible and smart.

One day , when Guo Xiang was about to go out, she saw Guaiguai squatting at the door, looking at her with longing eyes. Guo Xiang suddenly made a decision.

She opened the door and whispered to Guaiguai: "You come out too Bar. "

Unexpectedly, Guaiguai stood up immediately as if he understood, and followed Guo Xiang out. On the street outside, Guaiguai behaved very well, not running around and sniffing, and kept following Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang She felt very surprised and happy at first.

From that day on, Guo Xiang began to establish a subtle relationship with Guaiguai. She began to try to touch Guaiguai's head and found that it was very furry and felt very comfortable. Guaiguai gradually began to get closer to Guo Xiang and no longer avoided her sight.

Guaiguai gradually integrated into the family, and the relationship between Guaiguai and Jia Jun became deeper and deeper.

Every morning, Guaiguai will lick Jia Jun awake with his warm tongue, then wag his tail and accompany him for a morning run. At night, Guaiguai will lie at Jia Jun's feet, quietly listening to his master's words.

At the same time, Guaiguai also started playing with his daughter. He would throw toys to her and then wait for her to throw the toys back.

The appearance of Guaiguai not only gave the family an extra The joy also made the relationship between Jia Jun and Guo Xiang deeper.

But Jia Jun still did not give up and wanted to send Guaiguai back to his original home.Court, because it does not belong to oneself, nor does it belong to this family.

The days when Jia Jun was looking for information made him feel anxious. He goes to nearby communities, pet shops, rescue stations and other places every day to inquire about any news about lost dogs.

Sometimes, Jia Jun will even put up "Looking for Missing Pets" posters at the end of the street, hoping to find the obedient owner as soon as possible. During this process, Jia Jun felt very conflicted. He not only wanted Guaiguai to go home, but also wanted Guaiguai to stay with him.

Until one day, a friend told him that Guaiguai was probably a search and rescue dog.

Guaiguai’s identity

Jia Jun felt excited and shocked when he heard the news.

A friend also told him that not long ago, two search and rescue dogs named Si Xian and Bank of the Luzhou Mountain Rescue Team were lost. The two dogs were a couple and were three months old. It was lost and never found.

When Jia Jun heard the news, he immediately started looking for the owner who posted the dog search notice. With his persistence, a man contacted Jia Jun through social media. This man’s name was Xiao Bing. He claimed I am a member of the Luzhou Mountain Rescue Team, and they lost a search and rescue dog named Si Xian. They described Si Xian's appearance and behavioral characteristics in detail and provided some photos and other evidence.

It turns out that 20 days ago, a volunteer rescue team took two search and rescue dogs, Si Xian and Bank, to Xingwen County for outdoor training. Unfortunately, on the way back, they encountered a car accident. The vehicle lost control and went down the cliff. Everyone was injured, including two rescue dogs who were also thrown out of the car.

Despite a lengthy search, rescue teams were unable to find them.

Jia Jun felt a little complicated after hearing this. He was very reluctant to let go of Guaiguai and was afraid that Guaiguai would be falsely claimed. So he had further communication with the man and agreed to meet at Jia Jun's home.

When Xiao Bing opened the door and entered the room, Guaiguai immediately felt his arrival.

It raised its head, looked into Xiao Bing’s eyes, and let out an enthusiastic bark. It quickly ran towards Xiao Bing, licked his wrist, and wagged its tail, expressing its joy and excitement. Seeing this scene, Jia Jun determined that Guaiguai was indeed a lost search and rescue dog.

Jia Jun couldn't help but be shocked by this wonderful coincidence, and his heart was full of emotion and imagination.

What hardships and hardships this smart and witty dog ​​experienced during this journey, and how he persisted in finding his way home. All of this may only be known to Guaiguai himself forever.

Although Jia Jun felt very reluctant to give up at this time, he understood that now, Guaiguai was about to return to its original family and responsibilities.

As a search and rescue dog, it will continue to serve humans. This kind of inspiration of responsibility and mission is something that Jia Jun cannot understand and understand, but he can feel the tenacity and courage radiating from Guaiguai.

In the end, Jia JunIt was decided to return Guaiguai to Xiao Bing, hoping that it could complete more search and rescue missions with Si Xian.

Xiao Bing was very relieved to see Si Xian, who had been missing for 19 days, and had a baby. Now that Si Xian has been found, Bank's whereabouts are still unknown.

Jia Jun’s family is extremely anxious about Bank’s disappearance and is searching everywhere every day. They asked around for Bank's whereabouts, asked neighbors and friends, and even posted tips for finding the dog, but received no information.

His mood gradually became depressed, and he doubted whether Bank could still be alive. But he firmly believes that Bank will come back, just like Si Xian.

With Jia Jun’s persistence and efforts, the news finally came one day.

Someone in a nearby village saw a dog that looked a lot like Bank.

Jia Jun immediately went to the village and contacted the villagers immediately. After multiple investigations, it was finally determined that the dog was Bank.

Jia Jun was overjoyed that Bank was found, and immediately told Xiao Bing and the rescue team the news.

It turned out that Bank was seriously injured after a car accident. A man named Li Guoqian couldn't bear it after seeing it, so he took him home for treatment.

After Li Guo’s treatment, he has fully recovered. Si Xian also met Bank, and the two dogs ran around excitedly, as if the previous misfortune had never happened.

But when they heard that Bank was to be taken away, the Li Guo family refused to agree.

But when Jia Jun told about his experience with Si Xian, Li Guoqian was a little moved.

After Jia Jun’s persuasion again and again, he finally compromised.

Bank's farewell left Li Guoqian and his wife with an indescribable sense of loss and regret. They realized that their behavior was wrong. Bank was not only a pet dog, but also an excellent search and rescue dog. Its duty was to save human lives in the face of disasters.

Bank's departure made Jia Jun, Xiao Bing and others feel gratified. They firmly believed that Bank's return would bring more strength and confidence to the search and rescue team.

However, Bank's disappearance and return also made people deeply reflect on the relationship between humans and animals.

During the period when Bank was missing, many people thought it had lost its life and did not even care about it. But Bank's return made people realize that every animal is alive and should be respected and protected by humans.

As the saying goes, saving a human life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Now saving a dog's life is also better than building a seven-level pagoda.