Dog sniffs passers-by and refuses to leave? Help the sick owner find the perfect kidney source, the probability is 1 in 20 million!

Pet News

Lucy Humphrey, a Welsh woman, once entered a countdown to her life because doctors told her that if she could not wait for a suitable kidney transplant, she would live for up to five more years.

This matter was like a huge stone that weighed down Humphrey for a long time and made him unable to breathe.

However, Humphrey never dreamed that the most suitable kidney source would be found by his dog Indie.

Humphrey not only successfully received a life-saving kidney, but also gained a benefactor and friend!

Humphrey lamented that the dog Indie is a hero and found the angel who saved her life for her...

Dog sniffs passers-by and refuses to leave? Do you want to leave? Help the sick owner find a perfect kidney source, the probability is one in 20 million!

Humphrey and dog Indie

Humphrey, 45 years old, was diagnosed with lupus a few years ago. Lupus is a serious immune system disease that causes the immune system to attack healthy tissues of the body. People often experience severe inflammation of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs.

As Humphrey’s condition worsened, symptoms of kidney failure gradually appeared.

The doctor told her that a new kidney must be transplanted to survive. Otherwise, she could live for another five years at most.

However, it is not easy to find a suitable kidney source, and you need to queue up through official channels. If you are lucky, you can wait for it quickly, but if you are not lucky, you may not be able to find one after waiting for several years.

Humphrey often worried about this matter and was often anxious.

It’s just that she never dreamed that this seemed to be an extremely difficult task, but her Doberman Pinscher Indie unexpectedly helped her achieve it...

Last September, Humphrey and her boyfriend took Indie to the beach for camping.

Not long after they found a place to settle down, Indie disappeared.

Humphrey looked around anxiously, and found Indie jumping around behind a strange woman more than 100 meters away from the campsite, as if he had met a long-lost friend.

Humphrey was both surprised and worried, because Indie is a huge dog after all, and it would be terrible if he scares people.

Does the dog sniffs passers-by and refuses to leave? Help the sick owner find the perfect kidney source, the probability is one in 20 million!

Humphrey stepped forward and apologized while trying to pull Indie away.

Unexpectedly, Indie seemed to be possessed, sticking to the steps of the strange lady and refusing to leave.

At this time, the strange lady took the initiative to come to the rescue, saying that Indie was a good dog and did not scare her.

The two of them started chatting, and after some pleasantries, Humphrey learned that the strange lady’s name was Katie James, who had just turned 40 this year, and the two people of the same age became close to each other.

Seeing that his dog was pestering James and refused to leave, Humphrey suggested that James go to her camp to sit down, chat, and eat barbecue.

James happily accepted the invitation. She brought drinks and snacks and returned to her place with Humphrey.

The dog Indie saw that James also came with her, so she was willing Get up and walk back with the shit shovel officer.

After the two sat down, James offered him a drink, but Humphrey declined.

She explained that she had been undergoing dialysis and could not drink.

James asked curiously: "Is dialysis done because...?"

Humphrey then revealed his condition, saying that his kidneys were failing and he was waiting for a transplantable kidney to save his life. I don’t know when I can wait...

Unexpectedly, after hearing this casual complaint, James seriously told Humphrey that she had recently signed up for organ donation, and it was very exciting. I have long planned to donate my organs to those in need.

The dog is crazy about passers-by and refuses to leave? Help the sick owner find the perfect kidney, the probability is one in 20 million!

After thinking for a while, she said slowly:

"I am actually happy to donate a kidney.To those in need, accept. "

Humphrey was immediately overjoyed. She raised her head suddenly: "Really? ! "

James replied firmly: "Really. ”

Humphre expressed his gratitude to James and was so excited that he was incoherent at one point.

The two then exchanged phone calls and made an appointment to go to the hospital for examination to determine whether James’ kidneys could survive. Humphrey was successfully matched.


A few days later, James and Humphrey went to the hospital for a check-up. When the results came out, even the doctor was shocked. :

The match between James' kidney and Humphrey's is so high that it is a perfect match.

The doctor further emphasized that it is impossible to find such a high match among the crowd. The chance is only one in 22 million!

It can be said that finding a suitable kidney source like James is more difficult than winning the lottery jackpot in some countries.

And This was unexpectedly found for her by her dog Indie...

After confirming the suitability of the kidney source, James and Humphrey started a series of kidney transplant procedures.

On October 3 last year, both of them were pushed into the operating room, and one of James's kidneys was transplanted into Humphrey's body.

Due to the extremely high degree of fitness, the transplanted kidney survived successfully in Humphrey's body.


The countdown to death that followed Humphrey for many years was lifted, and she finally recovered and lived a normal life.

An unexpected encounter with Indie the dog , to find the best kidney source match for the shit shovel Humphrey, and Humphrey was successfully rescued.

In this regard, Humphrey was filled with emotion:

“I never thought that Indie would He has been with me for so many years, brought me so much happiness, and also found a source of life-saving for me. It's my hero. "

"And James, she is an amazing selfless woman and I can never thank her enough. ”

I took the initiative to donate a kidney to save others. James is also very proud of this experience:

“I was very lucky to meet Humphrey, and I am very happy that my kidney can help her recover.” Normal life. I have never done anything better, my family is proud of me and I am proud of my decision. ”

Indie, the dog who indirectly saved the life of the shit shovel officer and made great achievements, also gained his own happiness.

Also a social cow. It was recommended by Humphrey, the shit shoveler, to go to a place where it can shine more.

It was registered in the amateur therapy dog ​​team and would follow the shit shoveler every week.He visited nursing homes and hospitals several times and used his enthusiasm and friendliness to heal more people~