Dogs barked in the middle of the night. I didn’t find anything unusual and blamed them. I only woke up after checking the monitoring system.

Pet News

When the owner is sleeping soundly, he hears the dogs barking in the middle of the night. No matter how much he loves dogs, he will feel a little irritated. After all, it disturbs people's sleep and will definitely make them angry when they wake up!

The owner in this story has always pampered the dogs as if they were children. But despite this, when the owner is woken up by the dogs in the middle of the night, he accuses them of refusing to sleep. Is this really the case?

Dogs barked in the middle of the night, no abnormality was found to blame them, only after checking the monitoring did I wake up

This An owner has two Labradors at home. Although they are tall and tall, they have very docile personalities. Even though they live near a scenic spot with a lot of people coming and going, the two dogs never bark. Labradors will happily come forward to play whenever they meet friends who like them.

Suddenly, the dog kept barking loudly in the middle of the night. After hearing the barking, the owner quickly got up to check, but when he went to the window, he saw nothing. There was nothing abnormal at all. , the dog must have seen it wrong! The owner quickly stopped them from barking, but they didn't pay attention at all.

The owner feels more and more strange. Is there anything outside the door? Out of trust in the dog, the owner opened the door and found nothing outside. At this time, he suddenly became furious, thinking that the dog was playing a joke on him and barking randomly because he didn't sleep on purpose. Then he scolded them and made them stop.

The next day, after the owner woke up, he checked last night’s monitoring and realized that the dogs had really been wronged! There was indeed an inexplicable man looking at his door at night. The reason why I didn't find him at the window yesterday was because the man was hiding behind the side car. When he checked the door for the second time, the man had just left and naturally couldn't find anything. The owner finally realized that he had wrongly blamed the dogs.

Dogs barked in the middle of the night, and no abnormality was found to blame them. I only woke up after checking the monitoring

In fact, dogs They don’t bark randomly. There must be a reason for them to keep barking. The owner must not find it annoying. Remember to get up and check!Especially as the Chinese New Year is approaching, there may be dog thieves. In order to avoid accidents, owners should keep an eye on their dogs!

Why do dogs bark?

1. Some dogs have separation anxiety. When they are alone together, they have to bark and whine to relieve their depression.

2. Sometimes dogs bark as a way for them to express play. They usually bark at their owners when chasing other dogs.

3. When many dogs have needs or lack of attention from their owners, they will express themselves by barking incessantly, hoping to attract the attention of their owners and satisfy their needs.

4. When people or other animals pass by, dogs will also bark to warn the intruders to leave as soon as possible. In addition, I hope to attract the owner's attention and tell the owner that a stranger has entered.