Ever since you got a Doberman Pinscher, your nightmare has begun. After reading this, do you still dare to keep it?

Pet News

The Doberman Pinscher is a very excellent working dog, but many people say that it is difficult to raise a Doberman Pinscher. If you raise a Doberman Pinscher, it will be the beginning of a nightmare. Why? Let the editor share it with you today. Can you tolerate its shortcomings?

 Ever since you raised a

1. There are fewer friends

The Doberman Pinscher looks a bit tough, so many people are a little scared when they see a Doberman Pinscher. As long as you have a Doberman Pinscher Dog, none of your friends dare to come near you.

2. It needs to be raised secretly

Doberman Pinscher is one of the dogs banned in the city. As long as you keep it, you will be afraid of it all the time. The police will come to your door and invite you to the police station for tea, so you can only do it secretly, which is so tiring.

3. Strong aggression

Doberman Pinscher may attack other dogs and people you don’t know, so do not take Doberman Pinscher casually Go for a walk in crowded places. If you must take your Doberman out for a walk, you must take safety measures, such as a dog collar, a leash, etc.

4. Very energetic

As one of the excellent military and police dogs, the Doberman Pinscher has a great need for exercise and likes to run around. , cannot stay quietly, and must spend a long time every day to consume its energy, otherwise it will vent its anger by tearing down the home.

5. Loves to be clever but forgetful

Although Doberman Pinschers have high IQs and delicate emotions, they occasionally do some pranks in life. They come to attract your attention, but because of their high IQ and EQ, they often sneak around and play tricks on you during the training process.

So you need to put in more experience to train a Doberman Pinscher, and one of the biggest shortcomings of Doberman Pinscher is that it is forgetful, so it is best to use snack induction methods when training, it will Learn faster.

6. Drool a lot

Every time you go home, the Doberman Pinscher will fly to greet you when it hears the noise, and it will use its energy to Its big mouth licks you all over with saliva, letting you know how happy it is to have you back. No matter how long you have been away from home, its enthusiasm for you has not diminished at all, but there is too much saliva~

Ever since you raised a

We should pay attention to raising dogs:

No matter what kind of dog we raise, we also need to Note that raw meat cannot be fed to dogs for a long time, because raw meat contains a lot of bacteria and parasites, and dogs can easily get sick if they eat it. It is better to eat dog food. It is best to choose a low-salt food with a high content of fresh meat. Natural food.

Just like the "Greedy Natural Dog Food" below, it is light and low in salt, has high meat content and provides rich protein. It can not only ensure the dog's nutrient absorption, but also promote digestion! Feed some vegetables and fruits on a regular basis, so that your dog’s health is guaranteed.