How many dogs have been killed by college students?

Pet News

Dogs across the country have been a little busy lately, being walked by college students. After the special forces tour, the youthful and energetic college students began to clean up the dog farm with enthusiasm this time!

Here comes Ace. Unlike raising cats, anyone who owns a dog knows that this is a double test of energy and financial resources. Dogs need to go out and play, and if they don't, they will start to tear up the house if they get too energetic.

How many dogs have been

For migrant workers, going to work has been drained. It’s too much to exercise on your own, let alone meet your dog’s exercise needs. It has been a long time since the migrant workers had their families broken up. After seeing the strength of college students' special forces, the miserable migrant workers saw hope for the first time in walking their dogs. Since they are all so energetic, why not hire some college students to help walk their dogs? The owner is at ease, the dog is at ease, and the college students are happy, and a three-party situation is reached.

As the saying goes: The bigger the dog, the more tired the person is. The dogs taken away by college students are basically medium and large dogs. However, many owners may not have imagined that one day their dogs will become tired.

Miss Nicole, no matter what breed the dog is, whether it was used to pull sleds or chase hares for hunting, college students can treat it docilely. Alaska, who can pull a sled for more than ten hours, was taken out by college students for three hours and walked 12 kilometers. In the end, he had to be picked up by the owner himself when he returned home.

What is unnecessary and what is given for nothing. Even a greyhound, a cheetah among dogs, can be walked into a small dog. Who can not feel a sense of awe at the physical strength of college students? Take this greyhound, for example. It was a flying grasshopper before going out, but it was a limp puppy with blurry eyes after returning home.

Okay, very ok. The owner can only play with the dogs for an hour, but college students can really play with them all day. If college students are tired, you can also arrange for different college students to take turns playing with the dog. Many dogs' schedules are already fully booked, and the dogs will miss the rat after hearing the owner's arrangement.

What exactly did college students do to dogs? It can only be said that these special forces college students gave the dog a physical fitness lesson. When we meet, we will run 800 meters first. If we can't run by ourselves, a dozen college students can take turns running in a relay.

How many dogs have been

The great white shark in the world has a lot of physical strength and energy. Running for an hour can only be considered as a warm-up. What is important is to walk the dog with integrity. She will definitely help the owner walk the dog thoroughly, and it will be over after all the strength to tear down the house.

Dorothy the dog was scared when she saw this situation. In the past, she would pull people and run away. I was dragged away once and couldn't keep up.

jessie, a combination of a group of collectors, terrorists and social gangsters, used to be pampered at home and was rampant. I'm used to it, and now it's like we've collectively participated in a dog farm. The house is not torn down, the food is not cooked, and the snacks are no longer tasty. We go home and have a meal, then fall asleep on the floor. Dogs are real Tired into a dog, the dog owner must also be a real dog in the dog's heart.

I am rich, but there are also some dogs who are "Wang Jingze". After being taken out by college students several times, they begin to They want to change their owners - waiting for college students at home has become their new look forward to getting up every day.

Beibei, who loves sweet potatoes, has a dog-walking quality and effect that makes other dogs look forward to it. The owners of the species are also eager to give it a try. The pet group that is now eager for college students to take care of it has spread from dogs to other species. Some people even ask if they want to help herd sheep, and some mothers are eager to leave their children to be cared for by college students for two days.

Songke is disobedient, but the owners are also a little worried about the salary. After all, being able to walk a dog like this is also a level of individual effort. A college student who can't even score 800 in the physical test can do this Walking dogs enthusiastically and rescuing workers from fire and water must not be in vain.

If you think so, Tsukinoma obviously underestimates college students. Don't ask about salary, ask about generating electricity for love, the main one Free companionship. After all, you have to spend money to pet your dog in a dog cafe. Not only is this group of people walking the dog free, but it’s also for an unlimited time—sounds like a good deal with no loss. In order to reassure the dog owners, they also put their own Identity cards and student ID cards are all mortgaged to the owner, and the transaction relies entirely on trust.

The invincible Makino does not ask for money. Some dog walking enthusiasts also use their living expenses to pay deposits to dog owners, and pay for door-to-door services at their own expense. The dog buys snacks and toys. After this back and forth, the college student became beautiful and the owner became pure. This situation that should have been attended by three parties eventually turned into a world where only the dog felt fear. For the word "college student", the dog has already developed PTSD. These carefree dogs have begun to learn what sadness is. They can’t be excited when going out, just like you and me who don’t want to go to work. Source: Nizi Xiaoliang forInstead of being abused by college students, the victim dog came up with some ways to try to help college students in the ivory tower understand the dangers of society.

Not everyone can do dog walking

If you observe carefully, you will find that in the recent videos asking for dog walking, many dog ​​owners have already started In the persuasion mode, the most critical message is "Don't come if you weigh less than 100 pounds." For newcomers who don’t know anything about dogs, sometimes the honest and honest look of dogs in short videos is indeed deceptive enough. So much so that everyone ignores the pulling force brought by the explosive charge of a large dog, which is enough to make an adult throw a large dog to the ground.

If the dog goes out without the leash, or if the leash breaks during the walk, it’s over. These dogs are wild horses and you have to learn how to ride them on the spot. Dog walking is never as simple as just taking the dog out. It is normal to pull the dog and walk, but it is abnormal to follow the dog. Learning to pick up dog poop and stop dog fights is the basic common sense of dog walking. Most importantly, never let your dog eat poop.

When ignorant college students face a large dog they don’t understand, it’s hard to say who is whose owner in this training. Not all college students can clean up the dog farm, and even college students can't do it if they really encounter hard problems.

Nanjiu of Sansan Some college students who really can’t walk their dogs simply choose to ride on a battery-powered bicycle.

How many dogs have been

Since the development of Gangwan Niu Juansheng, college students have become more popular in the field of dog walking. It is no longer popular, version 2.0 is for sports students. Nowadays, it has even evolved to allow reserve police officers or firefighters to try walking dogs.

Lonely Peach Friends who are thinking of joining the dog walking ranks, please note that in addition to their physical strength and strength, some dogs that are more dog-like can also be clever. For example, after a certain Samoyed was taken away by college students, his front paws began to refuse to touch the ground and could only walk lamely. The college student was so frightened that he thought he had accidentally broken his bone while walking. He stuttered and couldn't speak when he was sending voice messages to his owner.

It's Snowball. The owner was so frightened that he took him for a checkup and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong. I thought it was some incurable disease, but as soon as the college students left, the dog recovered, and its limbs were sound and jumping up and down. A Samoyed can fool a college student, and the Border Collie, the most intelligent dog among dogs, is even less likely to disappoint. Other dogs would most likely be walked to death if they saw a college student, but Border Collie mainly wanted to walk a college student. When I go out, I bring a signal to college students andThe underground garage is hard to find the exit. The Bian Collie took advantage of the opportunity and returned home. The owner was dumbfounded when he opened the door. He was so lazy that he quickly went out to find the dog walker.

If Dr. Bian Mu Domi Xu doesn’t have acting skills and intelligence, he can still perform miracles with just brute force. As long as you don't move, you won't be completely defeated. After being walked a few times, some dogs figure out the art of goofing off. I started taking one small step forward, then three big steps backward, and after half an hour I was still walking in the same place.

Akita Goku can also transform into a "mama's dog" on the spot, allowing only its owner to walk. Once the owner leaves, they are like human cubs sent to kindergarten by their parents and clamoring to go home. The owner originally wanted to send the dog out for some leisure time, but in the end he discovered that he was actually being walked.

Of course, there are also rogue dogs. With the primitive instinct of animals, you instinctively want to send it away.

Feisen seriously recommends that all friends who are eager to try dog ​​walking check the breed before walking. This can avoid trouble to a large extent. If you get a Weimaraner, you may take it out for a day without getting tired. If you encounter a Basset or Beagle, please be careful of the owner's bad intentions. He may not be afraid of losing the dog, and may even want to throw the dog directly to you.

3Q Basset. However, there are still a small number of smart dogs. The vast majority of dogs are just honest dogs without any evil intentions.

After a military training, some dogs are tired from walking, and some dogs are really useless.

The dog is so carefree. Because he ran for too long and rushed too hard, all four hooves were broken, which is considered a minor injury. There are also many dogs who have broken bones while walking. Some dogs were fed inappropriate food because college students were too enthusiastic, and were rushed to the hospital for rescue. Of course, there were some skin injuries because the college student was inexperienced and didn’t know how to stop the dog, so he was accidentally bitten by another dog.

FanF Although it saves effort for others to walk the dog, no one can tell if something happens to the dog. There are still some safety hazards when it comes to mutual assistance in walking dogs. Causing harm to the dog itself is not what everyone wants to see.

When the matter of helping to walk the dog just started to ferment, it was filled with pure enthusiasm. After puppy literature became popular, people once again realized a happy communion in puppies. Many people who saw the video couldn't believe that this was an agreement that could be reached based on trust alone. The reason can only be because I like dogs. At this moment, the only thing that is certain is that the world is in tatters, and the puppy is indeed trying its best to mend it. So whether you’re a dog owner looking for someone to walk your dog, or a college student looking to walk your dog, no matter what – treat them well.