How much cat litter is appropriate? How often should cat litter be changed?

Pet News

Generally, a thickness of three to five centimeters is suitable, which is also more convenient for cats to use. Because when cats use cat litter, they dig a hole themselves so that it won’t stink when they bury it after pooping. If the thickness is not enough, they will easily not bury it tightly and there will be a smell. If there is too much, it will be easy for them to dig out when digging holes and get it to the outside of the cat litter box, so the owner must control this thickness.

How much cat litter is appropriate? How often should the cat litter be changed?

In fact, cat litter is very important to cats, because cats poop Cat litter is very smelly, and cat litter can cover the litter and deodorize it, so cats will not feel the smell even if they are kept indoors. However, not all cats are born with cat litter, so owners need to teach them Give it to them, and it will save the owner a lot of trouble.

How often should cat litter be changed?

Replace it every one to two weeks, and all cat litter needs to be replaced with new ones. When changing the cat litter, you need to empty out all the cat litter in the cat litter box. Even if some of the cat litter has not been used by the cat, it is not recommended to use it after leaving it for such a long time, because it is easy to breed bacteria, and at this time, you can also put it out. Clean the cat litter box inside and out to make it cleaner and more hygienic.

Actually, cat litter needs to be shoveled every day, because cats go to the toilet every day. Although they will bury the litter themselves, if the owner does not clean it for them every day, the cat litter will If it accumulates for a long time, it will not only be unhygienic, but the cat will also dislike it, so it is better for the owner to shovel poop every day.

How much cat litter is appropriate? How often should the cat litter be changed?

So, raising a cat is still a physical job, and everyone must be prepared. , so as to take better care of them.