How to train a German Shepherd? What should I pay attention to?

Pet News

The german shepherd, also known as the German Blackback, is also known as the German Shepherd by many people. It is smart, alert, gentle and loyal to its owner, so it is loved by everyone, so there are more and more families raising German Shepherds today. However, when raising a German Shepherd, it needs to be trained, otherwise it will be difficult for it to obey the command. Then German ShepherdHow to train? What do you need to pay attention to when training? Let's take a look together below.

How to train a German Shepherd? What should be paid attention to?

1. How to train German Shepherd?

To train a German Shepherd, collars and leashes are essential tools. Actions such as "walking", "sit down" and "lying down" can be used. This is also a communication tool between the owner and the dog . When putting a collar and a leash on a German Shepherd Dog, it tends to resist. At this time, the owner can use some food to attract its attention, and it can be put on smoothly. Regarding the material of the collar, it is recommended to choose leather, and it is relatively loose, so as not to make the dog feel tightened.

1. Go with you

When training a German Shepherd to go with you, the usual password is "follow". In addition, hold the leash with your left hand, and pull the leash appropriately to adjust the dog's training action , so that the dog always follows him on the left side. If you find that the dog is running in front of you, then you go backwards; if the dog stops in place and does not go away, then pat your left leg with your left hand, call the dog's name, and issue the "follow" command. Let it go.

2. Sit down

When you first start this training, you can use a traction belt. When issuing the "sit down" command, we need to press the dog's buttocks with the left hand and press down, and then lift the leash up with the right hand so thatIt keeps this action and repeats it several times, and it can learn it quickly. Of course, if the dog can sit down by itself when it hears the command "sit down", then congratulations, this training is considered a success, you can feed the dog some snacks to encourage it.

3. Lying down

When the "sit down" training of the German Shepherd can be completed skillfully, then the "lying down" training is relatively simple. In the sitting position, do the command "get down" and at the same time pull the leash down until all four of your dog's legs are on the ground. Then issue the password "don't move", let the dog lie on the ground quietly, then we stand up slowly, and keep away from the dog, and issue the password "get down, don't move", so that the dog still lies quietly on the ground Go up, repeat this several times until the dog can complete the "getting down" action by itself.

Second, what should be paid attention to when training a German Shepherd?

1. The recommended training period for German Shepherds is about 70 days after birth, because adult German Shepherds have developed their personality and living habits, so it will be more difficult to train.

2. When training a German Shepherd, it should be carried out in a place and environment familiar to the dog, and it is necessary to frequently review the learned movements to deepen the impression of the dog.

3. The training cycle is recommended to be carried out in a short time every day, for example: once a day, 20 minutes a time; twice a day, 5-10 minutes a time, so that the dog can keep the training rhythm at all times more effective.

4. The number of times of training the same action should not be too much. If the German Shepherd does not succeed in the "sit down" training 10 times, then some encouragement is also needed, and the training will be carried out the next day.

5. After completing the training task, it is a better way to reward the German Shepherd with some meat. If the dog does not feel the joy of training, the effect of the training will be greatly reduced.

Okay, the above are some training methods and precautions about German Shepherd Dogs. When training dogs, you should be more patient, so that the training effect will be better.