I dislike dogs getting uglier and uglier. If someone in the community responds, please give them to me!

Pet News

Netizen's dictation:

My Satsuma was quite well-behaved when he was a child, just like an angel, but recently, for some unknown reason, this guy has become more and more uglier, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. Sometimes I’m embarrassed to take him out. When I meet friends from the community, they keep asking me why my dog ​​has become ugly. I’m really embarrassed! But the people in the community are also like this. When I heard myself muttering about this, someone actually responded, "If you think it's ugly, give it to me!"

I dislike the fact that the dog is getting uglier and uglier. Someone in the community responded: Otherwise, give it to me!

This That’s what this guy looks like now. Although his personality is still the same as before, he’s still so excited every time he sees me, and he’s still so flamboyant every time he goes out, but this face has become too outrageous!

I dislike the fact that the dog is getting uglier and uglier. Someone in the community responded: Otherwise, give it to me!

Everyone It is said that Satsuma is a smiling angel, but this guy is only half a year old and has already grown to this point, how can he still be an angel? I bought it because I was fascinated by Satsuma's appearance. I didn't expect that it would look like this now!

I dislike the fact that the dog is getting uglier and uglier. Someone in the community responded: Otherwise, give it to me!

Yes When I see this guy at home, I feel a little annoyed. My husband is a good-looking guy. Every time he sees this guy, he laughs at my bad eyesight for choosing such an ugly dog ​​in the first place.

I dislike the fact that the dog is getting uglier and uglier. Someone in the community responded: Otherwise, give it to me!

But there are still people in the community who want it? Is this all blind? Such an ugly dog! I just gave it away for free I’m not happy either. I’ve spent a lot of money on dog food after raising it for so long!