I don’t know how much blood has been shed. It can only survive by hiding in the cracks. Brother, please leave with me.

Pet News

With the rise of the pet economy, more and more people have begun raising pets on a daily basis. Moreover, for many people who keep pets today, it is very likely that these cats and dogs are not just pets. More often, they are also regarded as partners in their lives, and may even be indispensable. missing family. Especially, as more and more pets enter people's daily lives and accompany them day and night, this kind of feeling is sometimes no less than the companionship of a member of the family.

I don’t know how much blood has been shed. It can only survive by hiding in the cracks. Little brother: Then leave with me.

Because of this, many people now call themselves shit scavengers, and the cats and dogs they raise are called cats by many people. Star person or dog person. And this kind of name also reflects to a large extent the love that many people have for these cats and dogs. However, raising a pet is not a simple matter after all. Although, with the rise of the pet economy, more and more breeders are breeding and cultivating these cats and dogs, making it very easy for ordinary people to take home many varieties of cats and dogs. But the difficulty of raising them is becoming more and more difficult and complicated as the number of groups raising pets increases.

There is a kind-hearted guy who often rescues stray animals. On weekdays, this guy often rescues some sick or injured stray cats in the local area. As time passed, my brother and some of his team members would receive messages of help from well-meaning local netizens from time to time. Whenever they receive these messages of help, the little brother and his friends will do their best to help the stray animals in need as much as possible. However, sometimes, the situations encountered by the little brother and his companions make them feel helpless and helpless...

I don’t know how much blood has been shed. , it can only survive by hiding in the cracks, little brother: Then leave with me

On this day, This young man once again received a message for help from a local girl. The young lady informed the young brother that there was a suspicious bird near a local shopping mall.The seemingly injured stray cat was hiding in a crack near the elevator in the shopping mall. And a lot of blood flowed from the cracks in the mall. However, because the cat was hiding in the cracks and was very wary of people around it, the young lady could only see the cat's mouth and nose through the cracks, and found that there seemed to be some blood on the corners of the cat's mouth. But these blood stains obviously would not have such a large amount of blood flowing out from the gaps...

Therefore, out of concern for the cat, and she was unable to give the cat more help, she had no choice but to Under this situation, the helpless young lady could only try to contact the little brother, and hoped that the little brother could rescue the cat in time. After receiving the message for help from the young lady, the young man immediately rushed to the scene according to the address provided by the young lady. After arriving at the scene, under the leadership of the young lady, the little brother successfully arrived at the place where the cat was hiding, and in the gap on the side, the little brother could clearly see a pool of blood under the billboard that had not been cleaned up...

I don't know how much blood has been shed. It can only survive by hiding in the cracks. Brother: Then leave with me.

After seeing this situation, the little brother immediately became worried about the cat's condition. So, after confirming the cat's location, the little brother put on anti-bite gloves and ignored the danger. He climbed up the billboard and reached out to the cat... However, the cat didn't know whether it was injured or had been hurt before. It was obviously very wary of the little brother's kindness, and even thought it was unavoidable. At that time, he also tried to attack the little brother's hand. Fortunately, the little brother was well prepared. After some attempts, the little brother successfully caught the cat.

After taking the cat out of the gap, the cat seemed to have not gotten over the shock. When it looked at the little brother, it was still full of anger and helplessness. Fortunately, when the little brother tried to put it into the flight box, the cat was very cooperative. After the cat entered the flight box, the little brother thanked the little sister immediately, and then hurriedly took the cat to the pet hospital. Fortunately, the little brother sent the cat to the hospital relatively promptly. After the examination and treatment by the pet doctor, the cat's condition quickly stabilized. However, in order to allow the cat to receive better treatment, the little brother and the pet After discussion, the doctor decided to keep the cat in the pet hospital first. After the cat recovers, he will find a way to help it find a new home...