In order to retaliate against the crocodile, the baboon couldn't help but bite the crocodile eggs. What kind of magic trick is this?

Pet News

The main natural enemy of the baboon is the leopard, so what other natural enemies does it have? The Nile crocodile is also one of the natural enemies of baboons. What amazing behavior did the baboon do when it encountered the Nile crocodile? Could it be that the 36 strategy is the best strategy?

Perhaps because they have been oppressed by the Nile crocodile for too long, the baboons also began to resist. It's just that their way of resistance is very special. They never dare to do anything to the Nile crocodile, so they put their minds elsewhere.

In order to retaliate against the crocodile, the baboon couldn't help but bite the crocodile eggs. What kind of magic operation is this?

When baboons face adult crocodiles, they are always afraid. Every time they see a Nile crocodile, they have to run away quickly. But the baboons just wanted to take revenge on the Nile crocodile, so they thought of stealing the crocodile eggs.

A group of male baboons in Zakuma National Park in Africa demonstrated a series of revenge operations. First, they did not act alone, but chose to act collectively. Maybe they think that acting together can embolden each other. After all, one baboon cannot do this.

They first locked onto the nest of a female crocodile, and then began to constantly threaten the crocodile, just to force the female crocodile away. In this way, the weak female crocodile had to stay at the water's edge to see what they wanted to do?

In order to retaliate against the crocodile, the baboon couldn't help but bite the crocodile eggs. What kind of magic operation is this?

I saw one of the baboons gradually approaching the crocodile's nest. In front of the female crocodile, he couldn't help but eat dozens of crocodile eggs. What kind of magic operation was this? When I saw this scene, I didn’t want to speak: Is it so delicious? It seems that baboons are also foodies!

In order to retaliate against the crocodile, the baboon couldn't help but bite the crocodile eggs. What kind of magic operation is this??

In fact, this is not the first time that baboons have eaten crocodile eggs. Baboons have eaten crocodile eggs a long time ago. Veterinarians Xiao Ming believes that baboons are purely vindictive. Who can make them unable to defeat crocodiles? They can only attack crocodile eggs collectively.

In order to retaliate against the crocodile, the baboon couldn't help but bite the crocodile eggs. What kind of magic operation is this?

You must know that the baboon has many natural enemies. Why hasn't it retaliated against other natural enemies? It may have retaliated, but it just found that it couldn't get any benefits. Just It also knows that it cannot defeat the crocodile, so it can only attack the crocodile eggs. For us, there are always strange events happening in the animal world, and it is impossible to explore them all. The psychology and behavior of animals are not fully understandable to us. .