Is tofu cat litter good to use? You have to look at these points

Pet News

If you have a friend with a cat at home, cat litter is bound to be indispensable. If there is no cat litter and the cat poops everywhere, even onto the owner's bed, the smell can be overwhelming. Cat litter is very absorbent and can be used by cats to bury their feces and urine. With a little training, cats can be allowed to excrete on cat litter, thereby reducing home pollution. In particular, cat litter contains deodorants and antibacterial agents, which can effectively suppress odor, which is great news for cat owners.

Is tofu cat litter easy to use? It depends on these points

What is tofu cat litter?

Common cat litter There are tofu cat litter, bentonite cat litter, deodorized cat litter, pine cat litter, crystal cat litter, silica gel cat litter, zeolite cat litter, etc. Among them, tofu cat litter has become popular among cat owners in recent years. Tofu cat litter is not as soft as tofu. It is called tofu cat litter because it uses fresh tofu residue or plant fiber as raw materials. This is also to prevent cats from eating cat litter and causing danger.

As cat litter, tofu cat litter has many advantages besides being safe from accidental ingestion.

What are the advantages of tofu cat litter?

Tofu cat litter has good water absorption. Once it encounters cat excrement, it can quickly collect it. , convenient for cat owners to clean up. Secondly, tofu cat litter is not easily broken, preventing cats from getting it everywhere. Tofu cat litter also has certain deodorizing capabilities. Because the smell of cat excrement is relatively strong, tofu cat litter can just reduce the dispersion of the smell of excrement. You can even choose tofu cat litter with different scents. But the scent makes no difference to cats. In addition, the biggest advantage of tofu cat litter is that it can be dissolved in water, so the used tofu cat litter can be flushed directly into the toilet, which is very convenient.

What are the cat litter testing items?

Although tofu cat litter has many advantages, whether it actually has the corresponding quality still needs to be tested to know. For example, tofu cat litter uses soy products as raw materials. Some merchants think that the cat litter is for cats and not for eating, so they use moldy and other inferior materials. Once the cat eats the cat litter by mistake, it may cause health problems. question. Therefore, toxin testing and anti-mold testing of cat litter are particularly important. Some cat litter also contains formaldehyde, which is not only harmful to cats, but also to cat owners. Formaldehyde testing cannot be ignored.

In addition, what are the other common testing items for tofu cat litter? According to the requirements of the group standard T/CIQA 11-2020 "Tofu Cat Litter Specification", common test items for tofu cat litter include clumping, water absorption, clumping weight,Clumping strength, collapsibility, bulk density, powder content, powdering rate, hardness, moisture, ash content, deodorizing effect, formaldehyde detection, heavy metal content, net content tolerance, etc.

Is tofu cat litter easy to use? It depends on these points

For manufacturers, what is the role of cat litter testing?

1. Can be used as a sales report. Especially on e-commerce platforms, consumers cannot directly interact with merchants. Having an authoritative test report can undoubtedly increase a strong level of trust.

2. Product research. For companies conducting cat litter production research, testing data is undoubtedly an important reference for adjusting production formulas and directions, which can shorten the research and development cycle and reduce production costs.

3. Improve product quality. Discover product problems in a timely manner through inspection data, make corrections based on actual conditions, and improve product quality.

4. If you are conducting research on scientific papers, etc., then the testing data from authoritative organizations is an important reference.