It gave birth in the sewer, but when faced with the dying puppy and boy, all it had left was fear.

Pet News

Although the development of science and technology has made people's communication more and more convenient, the distance between people has become further. Therefore, more and more people are also longing for a life to accompany them in life. Best, they can regard themselves as the only one in their lives and will never betray themselves. Therefore, pets have naturally become partners in more and more people's lives. Many people even regard their cats and dogs as family members. While they dote on them in every possible way, they are also reluctant to let them receive any treatment. harm.

Of course, those who can enjoy such treatment are those cats and dogs that have been carefully cultivated by people and whose appearance is more in line with people's aesthetics. But it is difficult for those local dogs who have been accompanying people for an unknown amount of time, silently helping people look after their homes and homes, and guarding the safety of their owners' lives and property, to receive similar treatment. Although, in terms of contribution, most guard dogs can provide people with far more help than those breeds of dogs that can only be used as bragging rights.

It gave birth in the sewer, but when faced with the dying puppy and boy, it was only fear.

So, As people become less and less interested in seeing them, these local dogs that can help people look after their homes and homes will naturally not be cherished by many people. Today, although the number of native dogs is getting smaller and smaller, and it is difficult to even see them in many urban areas, this does not affect the fact that they are cheap goods in the minds of most people. Even, in the minds of some people, apart from being the best choice for meat dogs, they have nothing to compare with those breeds of dogs that require people's careful care...

< p> Therefore, in such a big environment, the fate of these local dogs becoming stray dogs will naturally not attract much attention. Even during pregnancy, they will be discriminated against and even harmed by people because of their status as native dogs. No matter how much harm these stray dogs suffer, in the end they can only find a place they think is safe alone, lick their wounds secretly, and then bear everything silently, and finally accept it in helplessness. Determining their fate...

There is a kind-hearted man in Shandong who often works with his companions to rescue stray animals in need. As the number of stray animals rescued by my brother continued to increase, my brother and his companions had to take turns taking care of the stray animals they took in at their stray animal rescue base. On this day, this young man was with themWhile taking care of the stray animals they took in at the stray animal rescue base, he received a call from his companion. The younger brother’s companion informed the younger brother that he found a stray dog ​​in a local sewer. The stray dog ​​had just given birth to several puppies in the sewer.

It’s just that the environment in the sewer is too bad, and water may be discharged at any time, and because my companion failed to carry relevant equipment, he is also relatively large and cannot enter the sewer. , therefore, I asked the little brother to rush to the scene with the corresponding equipment to help take away these puppies together. After answering the call from his companion, the little brother immediately took out the corresponding equipment from the stray animal rescue base, and then rushed to the place where the puppy gave birth according to the address provided by his companion.

It gave birth in the sewer, but when faced with the dying puppy and boy, only fear remained.

Arrived at the scene After that, after communicating with his companions on the phone, the little brother quickly came to the place where the puppies gave birth and successfully met the female dog and the two puppies that had just been born. However, the condition of the two puppies was obviously very bad. Even lying on the cold water, they did not move at all, let alone make a sound. And this bitch didn’t know whether it was because she had been hurt. When she saw her little brother and his companions, even if her children were in very bad condition, she didn’t dare to get close to protect them. Instead, she acted in fear. Watching the little brother carefully with pleading eyes...

Seeing the dog in such a state, the little brother and his companions did not dare to delay any longer, so they hurriedly took a flashlight and the other After setting the net, the two cooperated and quickly took out one of the puppies that was closer to the outside. Fortunately, after the little brother's examination, the puppy is still alive and has a certain amount of energy. Therefore, the little brother and his companion hurriedly placed it and prepared to continue taking out another puppy. But the remaining puppy was too deep in the sewer, and the boy and his companions couldn't get it out after trying for a long time.

It gave birth in the sewer, but when faced with the dying puppies and young men, it was only fear.

In order to avoid delaying too long and letting this puppy die, the little brother could only put on anti-bite gloves, then personally got into the sewer and risked taking out the other puppy. Fortunately, when faced with the brother taking away the puppies, the mother dogs may also know that this is their only way to survive. Therefore, although the mother dogs are still uneasy, they still watch silently as the brothers take away the puppies. After taking away the two puppies, the little brother did not give up the mother dog, but because the mother dog continued to hide in the sewer after the little brother took away the puppies, the little brother had no choice but to try to catch her with a net . Fortunately, after some attempts, the little brother and his companions successfully caught the mother dog from the sewer.

After catching these puppies, the little brother and his companions took them to the pet hospital as soon as possible. After arriving at the pet hospital, after examination by the pet doctor, except for one puppy that was scratched by the mesh bag during the capture, all the other dogs were fine. Therefore, after treating the puppy's wounds on site, the little brother also placed the puppy next to the mother dog so that they could be reunited as a family. After the dog mother saw the puppy returning to her side, she also let down her guard. Although there was still some uneasiness in her eyes, she was no longer as frightened as before...

However, in After rescuing these puppies, I would also like to remind netizens that you should be more careful when dealing with dog mothers taking care of puppies, and don’t let down your guard just because the puppies are cute. At the same time, don’t get close to such a dog unless necessary. After all, such dogs are quite aggressive. If you are not careful, you will not be able to recover from their bites. Of course, I also hope that people can be more tolerant when facing these stray animals. You don’t have to love them, but don’t hurt them at will...