Lion and tiger as pets! Show off your identity by being unique? It's lucky that the owner wasn't bitten to death

Pet News

With the improvement of living standards, modern families will most likely raise lovely pets and human companions. These pets can be described as diverse. Otters, alpacas, chinchillas, and ball pythons have all become popular pets recently, but since humans began domesticating animals, the most popular pets have still been cats and dogs.

The cute cats are really loved by people. That's it my friend. Lonely people like to keep cats, and cheerful people like to keep dogs. But did you know that since the beginning of the 20th century, in order to show their status and highlight their sense of superiority, many upper-class people abroad can no longer satisfy their vanity by raising cats. They turned their attention to the big cats: lions and tigers.

Lions and tigers as pets! Are you unique and unique to show your identity? If the owner is not bitten to death, you are lucky.

I said in a previous article that humans can compete with wild animals with bare hands, but humans cannot even defeat stray mastiffs with bare hands, which is a bit pessimistic. If you encounter a lion or tiger in the wild, unless the lion or tiger is not interested in humans and walks away, if they want to fight, humans will have no power to fight back.

It turns out that humans can tame wild animals, but big cats like lions and tigers are definitely not among them.

I think that in order for humans to tame animals, they must meet the following requirements: not picky eaters and not compete with humans for food sources; reproduce freely in the environment; learn to obey human orders; and must not have strong uncontrollable emotions; Have a strict sense of hierarchy and don't let animals be mistaken for human owners.

Lions and tigers as pets! Are you unique and unique to show your identity? If the owner is not bitten to death, you are lucky.

To sum up, whether among domestic animals or humans, humans must occupy a dominant position, while domestic animals must be in a subordinate position. If domesticated animals do not obey humans, there is no need for domestication. So strictly speaking, domestic cats have not been completely domesticated, and their eating habits have not changed from beginning to end.

Among domestic animals, domestic cats are also the only animals that live alone., so they are destined to lack sociality, and they will not consider humans to be their leaders. Domestic cats are obedient and non-aggressive towards humans, mainly because wild animals seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and try not to conflict with creatures larger than themselves. Therefore, domestic cats are not fully domesticated animals. The cat is already like this. Forget lions and tigers.

Lions and tigers as pets! Are you unique and unique to show your identity? If the owner is not bitten to death, you are lucky.

Lions and tigers have extremely unstable tempers. Ever since lions and tigers were used as pets abroad, there has been a craze for raising lions and tigers, which is nothing more than the owner being bitten to death by a liger. The owner killed the liger and the liger was driven out of the house. Want to live and work in peace and contentment? dreaming.

Don’t think that humans can escape unscathed once a lion or tiger loses their temper. No one is safe from lion or tiger attack, no matter how strong you are. The hobbies of the upper class are often so unique. Boxing champion Tyson is one of them. As we all know, Tyson at his peak was an existence that could not be surpassed, and ordinary people would be knocked down with one punch.

Lions and tigers as pets! Are you unique and unique to show your identity? If the owner is not bitten to death, you are lucky.

Rapid accumulation of wealth requires a unique identity. Tyson has a mutated white tiger. This young female mutated white tiger is also a good playmate of Tyson. Although it is smaller and weaker than ordinary tigers, Tyson said more than once: "Now that I deal with it with my bare hands, I have no chance." The gap between Tiger and Tiger was ultimately due to financial reasons, and Tyson had no choice but to give up White Tiger. However, some people have overestimated their abilities more than once and raised a lot of lions and tigers, which ultimately led to irreparable tragedies.

Old LionTiger as a pet! Show off your identity by being unique? It's lucky that the owner didn't get bitten to death

The person who was overwhelmed and eventually led to tragedy was the famous actress Tippi Hedlund. She was also the most valued actress by the famous director Alfred Hitchcock. In the late 1960s, she and her husband ended an unforgettable trip to Africa, and she developed a fondness for African lions. Later, after careful consideration, she raised a lion named Neil's African lion.

In Tibby Hedren's villa, Tibby hired a trainer for this purpose. And Neil enjoyed all the glory and wealth. He was not locked in a cage, but could He can walk freely according to his own will and can enter and exit any room he wants. He can be seen in the master's bedroom, kitchen and swimming pool, but to outsiders, it is really less warm and more scary.< /p>

Lions and tigers as pets! Show off your identity by being unique? It's lucky that the owner didn't get bitten to death

But cats have not yet been fully domesticated, let alone real wild lions. At a family gathering On the screen, Neil suddenly got angry and slapped the animal trainer beside him with his paw. The animal trainer used a whip and a wooden stool to force Neil to leave the room. It can be said that the animal trainer and Neil have the closest relationship, and they are inseparable every day. If it were replaced For others, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although they look calm and peaceful in the photos, everyone was actually very scared after the incident. Therefore, Tibby has strict rules on the behavior of the trainer, the maid and himself. Requirements to ensure the safety of the family.

In daily life, never point your eyes at Neil, touch Neil's face, turn your back to Neil, etc. But despite such caution, tragedy still happened.

Lions and tigers as pets! Show off your identity by being unique? It's lucky that the owner didn't get bitten to death

On a whim, Tibby planned to make an animal movie featuring lions, tigers and other big cats Real appearance. So she worked hard and bought more than 70 African lions and 10 pumas., 22 tigers, and 13 leopards, several of which were kept in her mansion and were photographed and named.

Big cats cannot be tamed and their behavior is uncontrollable. After five years of acting, not only did her family break up, but she also divorced her husband. The staff almost died because of these beasts: Tibby's little daughter was attacked by a lion and disfigured, the photographer's scalp was scalped, etc. Seven serious injuries, countless cases of ligers attacking people, and these two died.

After the movie ended, she had to abandon these beasts. Many years later, when Tibby recalled everything in the past, she no longer had the pride of the past, and what remained was only endless regret and annoyance. If she could do it all over again, she would never make the same mistake again.

So Tibby’s attitude towards wild animals also changed drastically. She became an opponent of keeping lions in the tiger family and an advocate of banning big cats. I think so too. If the upper class want to show their uniqueness, they can pay attention to environmental issues and education issues. They really don't need a male lion or tiger to show off their status. what do you think?

Lions and tigers as pets! Are you unique and unique to show your identity? If the owner is not bitten to death, you are lucky.