Local farmers responded that tens of thousands of kilograms of shrimp were cleared out and broadcast

Pet News

Recently, media reports claimed that tens of thousands of kilograms of shrimps from local farmers had been emptied, which aroused widespread attention and discussion. In response to this incident, the local government has responded and taken a series of measures to solve the problem.

Local response: Tens of thousands of kilograms of shrimps from farmers were cleared out for broadcast

First of all, the local government stated He expressed regret for the losses suffered by the farmers and said that he would actively assist the farmers to solve the problem. In response to the situation where the shrimps were emptied, the government has set up an investigation team to investigate and collect evidence on the incident to determine the responsible party and the cause.

Secondly, the local government is strengthening the supervision and management of the breeding industry. They will strengthen daily inspections of farms, strengthen inspections of the source and quality of shrimp seedlings, and severely crack down on illegal fishing and sales of shrimp. At the same time, the government will also strengthen guidance and training for farmers, improve their breeding technology and management level, and reduce the occurrence of similar incidents.

In addition, the local government also stated that it will help the damaged farmers through compensation and other methods to tide over the difficulties. They will communicate with the farmers to understand the specific circumstances of the losses and provide corresponding compensation and assistance based on the actual situation to reduce the financial burden on the farmers.

Finally, the local government calls on farmers to strengthen their own safety awareness and preventive measures. They reminded farmers to strengthen site security, enhance theft and loss prevention capabilities, protect their breeding facilities and products, call the police in a timely manner and cooperate with relevant departments.

In short, the local government attaches great importance to the incident of tens of thousands of kilograms of shrimp being emptied by farmers, and has taken a series of measures to solve the problem. They will strengthen the supervision and management of the breeding industry, strengthen guidance and training for farmers, and will also help farmers tide over difficulties through compensation and other methods. It is hoped that these measures can effectively prevent similar incidents from happening again and protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.