Master the seven selection elements, and the purebred German Shepherd can be taken away easily

Pet News

It is tall and shaped like a tiger; it has a mighty appearance like a wolf;

Globally, this kind of dog breeds widely appear as military dogs, police dogs, search and rescue dogs, pet dogs, etc., and are popular with everyone. How to choose a purebred german shepherd has always been a concern of many people. In view of this situation, the editor suggests that you master the following seven elements when choosing.

Master seven selection elements, purebred German Shepherd can easily lead Go

1. Pedigree certificate

To this day, a German Shepherd with a bloodline, you can trace its bloodline back to its ancestors 100 years ago. Therefore, as long as it is a purebred German Shepherd Dog, there must be a pedigree certificate to prove its pure bloodline. When you are choosing, please remember to ask the merchant for a blood certificate.

2. Selection time

It is advisable to choose the German shepherd dog around 40 days after birth, because at this time its body shape, It has roughly developed, and there will not be much change in the future. This is often a time detail that is easily overlooked by everyone. Please pay more attention.

3. Head

The German Shepherd has obvious head features. Careful observation shows that the whole head has simple lines, strong and not clumsy, and is consistent with the body The proportions are coordinated, the head of the male is majestic, and the head of the female is soft; the eyes are deep and spiritual, preferably dark black; the bridge of the nose should coincide with the extension line of the forehead after the bridge of the nose is straightened; the ears are medium in size, wide at the root, and erect upward.

4. Coat color

For purebred German Shepherd Dogs, the coat color is mainly black back and yellow belly, and there are a lot of hair. The more the better. In addition, when feeding, you should insist on combing the hair every day, and eat some dog food with deep-sea fish oil ingredients, which can make the hair more shiny.

5. Back

The German Shepherd is not pure, you can look at the back of the puppy, because the back of the purebred German Shepherd is very strong, When it is running, its back will be slightly upturned, and when it is resting, its back will be slightly bent down.

6. Tail

Purebred German ShepherdFor dogs, its tail will droop in a saber style, and when it is lifted up, the height will not exceed the horizontal line of the back. When choosing a German Shepherd Dog, you can carefully look at the tail of the puppy.

7. Personality

A normal German Shepherd is very lively, cheerful, confident, brave and very aggressive. When choosing, you can observe some of its personality details, such as observing whether it is friendly to people, otherwise it may scare passers-by if you take it out on the street; you can interact with it to see if it has some actions for you If there is no response, it means that it is not interested in you at all, or it is not normal.

About the sharing of German Shepherd selection elements, I will introduce you here. Are you ready to try?