Suffering from ascites and being poisoned, it might have spent all its luck on meeting them.

Pet News

For humans, the purpose of keeping pets may just be to use them as a way to spice up their lives. Although, as the relationship between pets and their owners becomes more and more intimate, many owners also like to keep these pets indoors to keep them company. There are even many pets that have a very high status among their owners. While enjoying people's favor, they may even be regarded by some people as extremely important partners in their lives, and in real life Among them, many people may never dare to keep their beloved pets after giving them away, because they do not have the courage to experience the same parting again...

It has ascites and is poisoned again. Poisoned, it may have spent all its luck on meeting them.

And such emotions, in many cases, are already enough for humans. It's very profound. After all, as pets, it is an extremely lucky thing for them to have such an owner. Although many cats and dogs may be valuable, and may also be beloved pets by their owners when they first arrive at their homes, during their lives, they often experience harm from people. It is even possible that when they need their masters the most, what hurts them the most is that they regard them as the only masters in their lives...

Especially for those who were once regarded as important partners and people in their lives. Domestic cats and dogs are important helpers. As people's definition of pets has changed dramatically, the role of keeping cats and dogs has also changed from guarding homes and homes, herding and hunting, and catching mice to mainly accompanying people, helping people relieve loneliness, and comforting people's souls. after. Many cats and dogs have also successfully entered the homes of poop scrapers, and can stay with their owners day and night. But as people keep them indoors, more and more problems arise. Raising them has also become a great test of the various abilities of the poop shoveler, as well as the degree of tolerance and love for them...

But although there are many people raising them now, and they have enough ability, there are not as many people who are willing to raise them for a long time as there were people who brought them home in the first place. Moreover, this situation is becoming more and more frequent as more and more people raise them! Even if some cats and dogs are lucky enough to stay in their owners' homes, their fate is often not up to them. Therefore, many times, for a cat or dog, the greatest luck in their life is to meet an owner who is willing to take them in and care about them...

It had ascites and was poisoned. Maybe it spent all its luck on meeting them

There is a stray animal rescue team in Sichuan. Because this stray animal rescue team often rescues stray animals in need, over time, this stray animal rescue team also established a stray animal rescue base to house those stray animals. As the number of stray animals they rescue increases, the number of volunteers and staff in the stray animal rescue base also increases. On this day, a dog with ascites suddenly came to the stray animal rescue team.

Because this dog’s ascites was serious, although there were some pet doctors on the stray animal rescue team, they were unable to directly remove the dog’s ascites in one go. In order to better improve its condition and provide it with better treatment, volunteers placed it together with other dogs that also suffered from ascites and needed follow-up treatment. However, what surprised the volunteers was that as soon as they placed the dog, an unexpected situation occurred.

Before the volunteers left, the dog that had just entered the stray animal rescue base suddenly fell to the ground. After that, the pet doctor at the stray animal rescue base checked the dog’s condition and found that it It seems to be poisoned. Fortunately, there are corresponding drugs in the stray animal rescue base, so the pet doctors first gave it infusions at the stray animal rescue base for corresponding treatment. The volunteers were temporarily relieved because the dog was in a good mental state and was being treated by a pet doctor, but they would pay more attention to the dog during their daily care.

It had ascites and was poisoned. Maybe it spent all its luck on meeting them

But, What everyone didn't expect was that after two days of treatment, not only did the stray dog ​​not recover, but its condition also took a turn for the worse. So, after discovering that something was wrong with the dog, the volunteers had no choice but to take the dog to the pet hospital. Afterwards, after a veterinary examination, they found that the stray dog ​​seemed to have eaten some poisonous food again.s things. Just when the pet doctors were studying the cause of the dog's poisoning and wanted to prescribe the right medicine, the volunteers who came with it were also reminded by the pet doctors and remembered that this dog seemed to have eaten five clouds before...< /p>

With the information provided by the volunteers, the pet doctor quickly provided corresponding treatment based on the dog’s condition. However, based on the dog's performance in the pet hospital, although the pet doctor treated it, he also gave a very bad prediction. The pet doctor told the volunteers that it was likely that the dog would not be saved... …Hearing the diagnosis and treatment result from the pet doctor, the volunteers who sent the dogs to the pet hospital were about to burst into tears. But when the volunteer was still feeling sad, the pet doctor who watched the dog in such pain later made a suggestion that was even more difficult for the volunteer to accept: "Let it be in peace..."

Hearing what the pet doctor said, the volunteer The tears that he had been holding back fell instantly. However, when recalling the past of the dog coming to the stray animal rescue base, the volunteers still could not put it to rest directly. So, after discussing with their companions, they decided to leave it in the pet hospital for treatment first. One day, see how the dog is doing, and then make a decision. Fortunately, the dog lived up to the volunteers’ persistence. When the volunteers visited the dog again the next day, the dog had no symptoms of the previous poisoning. Not only was it able to stand up, He also wagged his tail at the volunteers very affectionately.

After that, when they learned about the dog’s condition with the pet doctor, the pet doctor informed the volunteers that the dog not only miraculously survived, but also fully recovered. The volunteers treated her on the same day. You can take it directly back to the stray animal rescue base. After learning that the dog was fine, the volunteers were very happy, so after taking it back to the stray animal rescue base, the volunteers also gave extra meals to the dogs in the stray animal rescue base. Seeing the dog devouring its food, the volunteers felt relieved...