The cute cat who got excited when she saw the cat strips found a place to stay with the help of netizens

Pet News

Nowadays, for most people, pets are no longer the functional guard dogs and domestic cats that they once used to look after their homes, herd and hunt, or catch mice. Although these cats and dogs are still the two mainstream pets in today's wide variety of pet markets, when people choose and raise them, they no longer consider what they can do to help them, or how to raise them. What kind of convenience can it bring to myself? More often than not, all people need is their company.

The cute cat who was excited when he saw the cat strips, with the help of netizens, has a place to stay

Therefore, when deciding on the type of pet, people mostly consider their appearance. Of course, as civilized pet keeping becomes legal and becomes more and more popular, more and more people will also consider that they are very aggressive when choosing pets that suit them. Therefore, when choosing them, the pet's personality and attack power have gradually become factors that more and more people must consider when choosing a pet. However, even with many restrictions, the pets most people come into contact with most are still cats and dogs. Therefore, when it comes to choice, people often prefer them.

There is a kind brother who often rescues stray animals. Since the brother and his companions often rescue those stray animals, over time, many local netizens have discovered some stray animals in need of help. When the time comes, I will also take the initiative to contact the younger brother. When I receive these requests for help, I will do my best to help these stray animals in need. Therefore, as time goes by, my brother has become quite famous in the local stray animal rescue circle.

The cute cat who was excited when he saw the cat strips. With the help of netizens, he has a place to stay

On this day, this young man received another message for help from a kind-hearted local netizen. Netizens informed me that there was a sick stray cat wandering around the place where they rented recently. When netizens discovered this stray cat, theyOut of sympathy for it, we temporarily took it in. However, because the netizen is only renting a house, there is no suitable place to place it. At the same time, the netizen has no experience in raising a cat. While he is worried that he cannot take good care of it, he also does not have so much time, energy and financial ability to raise it. , therefore, after learning that the little brother and his companions often rescued stray animals, netizens informed the little brother about the cats.

After receiving the netizen’s request for help, the young man immediately rushed to the netizen’s home based on the information provided by the netizen. However, because the netizen was busy with other things at the time, he was unable to take the little brother to pick up the stray cat in person. Therefore, when the little brother rushed to his rental place, the netizen carefully sent the route to the little brother, and then informed him A nearby tenant opened the door for me. So, after that, under the careful arrangement of the netizen, the little brother successfully entered the place where the netizen rented, and successfully came to the place where the netizen temporarily placed the stray cat and met the stray cat.

The cute cat who was excited when seeing the cat strips, with the help of netizens, has a place to stay

The cat didn’t seem to be too wary of humans. When the little brother approached it, it didn’t hide. Instead, it lay on the ground and kept moving towards it. The little brother shouted. Through the cat's open mouth when it meows, the little brother discovered that the stray cat suffered from stomatitis. Fortunately, it was not too serious. Therefore, the little brother was not in a hurry to catch it, but chose to approach it carefully. , gently stroke the cat’s head to calm it down. At the same time, in order to better gain the cat's trust, the brother also took a cat strip he carried with him and prepared to feed it to the cat.

When this stray cat saw the little brother’s cat strip, he didn’t know whether it was because he hadn’t eaten the cat strip for a long time, or because he hadn’t eaten for a long time. It jumped down from the nest, and then kept circling around the little brother, making urging calls from time to time. Seeing the cat so excited, the boy squeezed out the cat strips in his hand and fed it to the cat. At the same time, he asked his companion to return to their car and take out more cat food to feed it. After that, after the cat has eaten and drank enough, the brother will attract the cat's attention while asking his companion to try to get close to it and catch it.

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly. After the cat had eaten and drank enough, the brother's companion also successfully approached the cat and successfully caught it without the cat paying attention. And put it into the flight box they had prepared. And then, the little brother took the cat to the pet hospital. After arriving at the pet hospital, he passed byAfter the veterinary examination, they found that the stray cat did not have many problems other than stomatitis. Therefore, after prescribing some medicine to treat stomatitis, they asked the brother to take the cat back to them. stray animal rescue base. And the little brother is also planning to find a way to find an owner willing to be responsible for the cat after it recovers...