The kitten whose skin was scraped off due to a car accident passed away forever

Pet News

Keeping a pet is a relatively happy thing for many people. After all, with these cute cats and dogs following you back home, it also means that in the future, you will have an animal who will regard you as the only one and will always be by your side to relieve the loneliness in your heart. At the same time, it can also bring you a lot of joy. Therefore, under normal circumstances, most people’s original intention of taking these cats and dogs home is full of good intentions and based on what they have in mind.

However, as people's definition of pets changes, more and more people are accustomed to keeping them indoors when raising them. This kind of feeding method can make people and pets closer to each other. However, raising them will also become more tedious. Because, when you raise them indoors, raising them is not just about providing them with three meals a day, but giving them a place to shelter from wind and rain is enough. More often, people have to pay attention to their hygiene issues and the various accidents that may be encountered in the process of raising them...

The kitten whose skin was scraped off due to a car accident is gone forever

The change in feeding methods also means that the cost of raising them is increasing. Nowadays, for many people, getting a cat or dog is actually not a particularly difficult thing. Most ordinary people can easily get a cat or dog they want through various channels. But while obtaining them is simple, raising them is not. Many times, they bring more than just financial pressure to the owners. In the process of raising them, companionship, dedication, responsibility, and love are all indispensable...

But, many People only see the joy of raising them, but they don’t see the effort behind raising them well. Even when many people take them home, they are still eager to bring themselves a huge profit through pet breeding. But when faced with the reality of the pet-raising environment and people's willingness to keep pets, this kind of desire can quickly become a delusion. However, whenever it comes to this time, newborn cats and puppies have arrived, and how to deal with them often becomes a big problem for these poop scrapers. To solve this problem, some irresponsible owners will inevitably choose to throw it away...

The kitten whose skin was scraped off due to a car accident has left forever

There is a kind-hearted guy in Liaoning who often rescues stray animals. On this day, the guy received a message asking for help from a local netizen. The person asking for help told the guy that he had only one For some unknown reason, the kitten had lost part of its skin and was dripping with blood. However, because when he received the help message, the little brother was busy elsewhere, so after receiving the help message, the little brother I asked netizens to help send the kitten to the pet hospital that often helped the little brother. The little brother then rushed to the pet hospital after finishing what he was doing.

etc. The little brother rushed to the pet hospital and saw the kitten. He realized that the kitten's condition was much worse than he thought. Because when the little brother saw the kitten, he realized that the kitten's condition was much worse than he thought. I found that the kitten was only as big as my own palm, and the lost skin on the cat had taken up most of its body. Because I didn’t know what caused the cat’s serious injury, when I first saw the miserable condition of the kitten, The little brother was also very angry. Just when the little brother was about to contact the helper and wanted to know the origin of the cat's injuries, the pet doctor responsible for the cat's treatment also came to the little brother.

Then After discovering the brother's anger, the pet doctor took the initiative to inform the brother of some of the results he had diagnosed from the cat. The pet doctor told the brother that the injury to the kitten should not have been caused by someone maliciously. Because , judging from the injuries on the cat’s body, the injuries it suffered were more like crush injuries. As for the cat’s treatment plan, the pet doctor told the brother after several studies that they were going to amputate one of the cat’s necrotic arms, and then The skin on this arm was transplanted to the largest wound. In this way, as long as sepsis is avoided, it has a high probability of surviving...

Because the cat's injuries are so serious and pitiful, Therefore, many people who found this cat offline in the local area are paying attention to the situation of this stray cat. In order to let these people who care about this cat know the cat's situation as soon as possible, the brother and the pet doctor confirmed the cat's treatment plan. , also immediately posted the cat's condition on the Internet. As more and more netizens discovered the cat's condition, some netizens even bluntly said that they wanted to adopt the cat as soon as it recovered. .

The kitten whose skin was scraped off due to a car accident is gone forever

I am very grateful to these people for their kindness. But for me, what is more important is how to save the life of this cat as much as possible. Therefore, in After announcing the cat's condition, the little brother also focused on taking care of the cat. Fortunately, the subsequent surgery went relatively smoothly, and the stray cat successfully passed the first difficulty. And after that, Because the little brother also needed to take care of other stray animals, after placing the stray cat, the little brother had to leave the pet hospital.

After that, as the treatment progressed, the cat recovered. The situation was relatively good. However, just when I thought everything was going in a good direction and the cat could find its owner quickly after recovery, the pet doctor suddenly contacted me and told me that this was The cat was in a very critical condition due to wound infection. After receiving the notice of the cat's critical condition, the little brother rushed to the pet hospital. However, when the little brother rushed to the pet hospital, the cat had been closed forever. Eyes...