The man was at work when his neighbor sent him a few photos. He clicked them and hurried home.

Pet News

Speaking of huskies, this is really a magical species that can make people intertwined with love and hate. For them, the shit shovel officer is contradictory. It is annoying to raise people, but it is a pity to abandon them.

It is simply impossible to say that Huskies stop causing trouble. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by a netizen below, which refreshes our understanding of Erha.

The man was at work, but his neighbor sent a few photos. He clicked it and ran home quickly

This man has a Erha at home, and he is capable of destroying everything. I once thought of throwing it away when I was so angry that my hands were shaking. However, due to my own sense of responsibility, I still kept it. Every time I had to swallow the pain in my stomach.

When the man was at work that day, he inexplicably received several photos from his neighbors, followed by a phone call from the neighbor to complain, asking what was going on with the man’s dog? After the man clicked on the photo, he rushed home without stopping.

The man was at work, but his neighbor sent a few photos. He clicked it and ran home quickly

It turns out that Erha didn’t know what happened. He actually dug a hole in the wall of the house and stuck his head in. He got stuck inside and couldn’t get out. When the man looked at it like this, he really wanted to be angry and laugh at the same time. How could there be such a prodigal dog in the world?

Hahahahaha, Erha is indeed an omnipotent existence. There is nothing we can't think of, and there is nothing it can't do. Even if it is an iron-clad wall, as long as Erha wants to do it, it will definitely be done.

Fortunately, the Erha at veterinarian Xiao Ming’s home is not so wild, otherwise I would have to rely on Suxin Pills every day to save his life! Thinking of Erha's naughty appearance, veterinarian Xiao Ming thought of some naughty children. Nowadays, some children are not weak at all in their ability to cause destruction. They are experts at breaking up homes.

And for such naughty children, there are actually a small number of parents who are reluctant to beat and scold them! Veterinarian Xiao Ming wants to say that if parents don’t educate naughty children, then no one can take care of them.Gotta live with it. For the sake of the child's future, stick education is occasionally necessary.