The sled dog went to play with the golden retriever. When the golden retriever saw it, he quickly closed the door. My mother did not allow the golden retriever to play with fools.

Pet News

The relationship between animals is really interesting. No matter what breed they are, they can play together, which is also wonderful. Moreover, the dog's personality is very enthusiastic, and he is very friendly when he meets his owner. The excitement is the same when meeting other pets. They always want to rush up and make out with others. The most common thing we see is dogs jumping up and down with great joy.

The editor here reminds dog owners that they must brush their dogs’ teeth, otherwise the taste will be really magical, and it is impossible to use a molar stick to brush teeth instead. Even then, there will still be residue in the mouth. Because of the smell, brushing once a week is enough. Of course, you can also go to the pet store every week. This is the best. Not only can you get protection, but you can also treat it better and protect your teeth.

This dog is an Alaskan Malamute. This type of dog is the largest among medium-sized dogs, and its power to tear down homes is even more powerful than that of a husky, just because Huskies are just more popular, so they have taken away the name from others. However, this breed also has another title, that is, the big fool. It is really cute and cute. This dog raised by this netizen often goes to the next door. Golden Retriever is playing, but this time it seems different.

The golden retriever saw that his former partner did not come out to greet him. Instead, he closed the door with his paws. The dog outside was very confused. He probably didn’t know what was going on. He might be the golden retriever’s mother. Don't let it play with fools! What do you think about this?