The stray dog ​​kept chasing the electric car, and the girl thought it was asking for adoption

Pet News

Some stray dogs have been wandering outside since they were born. They have never felt the feeling of being loved by others, and have never eaten a bowl of serious hot rice. They live just to live every day, and being alive is already very difficult. What a luxury.

If they can let down their guard and approach people, please be more kind to them. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by a netizen below, which is both touching and sad.

The stray dog ​​has been chasing the electric car, and the girl thought it was asking for adoption

On this day, when the girl came home from work at night, I found a stray dog ​​chasing my car with no intention of stopping. The girl thought it was asking for adoption and thought she would take it home. Meeting her was also a kind of fate. Maybe it had had enough of its wandering life.

After I brought it home, I bought dog food for it and prepared a warm nest for it. When I went to see it again the next day, I was immediately moved and burst into tears.

It turns out that it gave birth to a litter of puppies. It turns out that this stray dog ​​knew that it was about to give birth, so it asked humans to adopt it. It just wanted to find a good one for the puppies. Living environment. It could wander on its own, but for the sake of the children, it turned to humans.

Watching it run hard to be adopted, I was moved. Whether it is a human or an animal, it can sacrifice itself for the sake of its children. This kind of maternal love is so great!

Most mothers love their children, but only a few are not worthy of being mothers. Veterinarian Xiao Ming had seen in the news that a surrogate mother sold her child's birth certificate in order to make money. As a result, the child is now unable to register, which will have a great impact on the child in the future.

The stray dog ​​has been chasing the electric car, and the girl thought it was asking for adoption

If you don't love your child, you shouldn't give him Give birth, otherwise it will be a tragedy from his birth until the future. Even animals know how to love their children. Humans have so many emotions, how can they be inferior to animals? Veterinarian Xiao Ming hopes that all parents can be responsible for their children instead of just escapingand shirking responsibility.

Popular science: After giving birth, the female dog may have a bad temper. Therefore, even if you are a poop scraper, do not touch the pups too much, otherwise the mother dog is likely to do something to protect the pups. Biting behavior, and the poop scraper should also pay appropriate attention to the mental health of the female dog. Many female dogs will suffer from postpartum depression due to high stress after giving birth, which is also normal.

If the dog owner does not want the dog to have another baby, you can choose the appropriate time to take them to the pet hospital for sterilization, but you must understand the pros and cons of sterilization. Many dogs will also be psychologically affected to a certain extent after being neutered, so the dog owner should appease their emotions appropriately.