The woman found some stray puppies under the bridge. When she got closer and saw them clearly, the woman cried.

Pet News

In the past, living conditions were not good. In order to make ends meet, we had to work day and night to make money. As living conditions continue to improve now, we finally have the time and ability to stop and enjoy life. For example, some people like to travel. Some people like sports, while others choose to keep pets, hoping that pets will add some color to their boring lives, and dogs are one of them.

Many poop scavengers treat dogs as "baby", fearing that they will get hurt, and take care of them with good food and drink almost every day. However, there are always some irresponsible poop scavengers. Officials exist in this world, and they will abandon dogs at will because of "little things". For example, because of improper operation, they accidentally angered the dog and were bitten by it, or the dog was sick and felt that the medical expenses were too expensive, etc. and other reasons.

It is because of these irresponsible poop scavengers that the number of stray dogs is increasing. In some serious places, stray dogs have completely affected the normal lives of nearby residents, causing many people who do not usually People who hate dogs instantly become "dog haters", making it impossible for some stray dogs to survive and eventually starve to death in a cold angle.

The woman found a few stray puppies under the bridge. When she approached When she saw them clearly, the woman cried

When a woman was riding her bicycle across a bridge, she was stopped by a "strange" sound coming from under the bridge. Out of curiosity and because she had nothing to do when she got home from work, she started riding her bicycle. Go under the bridge to find out.

When the woman rode her bicycle under the bridge, she was shocked by the scene in front of her. The "strange" sounds before were actually made by the five poor stray puppies in front of her. It looked like these five stray puppies were abandoned shortly after they were born. The weather at that time dropped sharply and was very cold. Even the women were wearing coats. It can be imagined that this cold temperature was not suitable for these five stray puppies. How cold it is for 5 stray puppies.

There was nothing around. The five stray puppies huddled in the corner to keep warm. Despite this, they were still shivering from the cold temperature.

The woman found a few stray puppies under the bridge. When she approached When she saw them clearly, the woman cried

When the woman saw this scene, she immediately took off her coat and took the Keep 5 stray puppies warm from the cold, trying to minimize the damage caused to them by the cold. But when the woman was about to put her coat on the five stray puppies, a sad scene happened. When the five stray puppies saw the woman approaching, they involuntarily leaned back and barked louder, as if to say: "Please don't come here, don't hurt us"! It's hard to imagine what horrific things happened to these five stray puppies that made them so afraid of humans.

When the woman looked at the frightened eyes of these five stray puppies, her heart felt like being pricked by needles, and her tears fell involuntarily.

The woman found a few stray puppies under the bridge. When she approached When she saw them clearly, the woman cried

The five puppies who were supposed to live in a warm house, playing happily with each other, now have nothing but "fear" in their eyes.

It can only be said that God is still fair, allowing these poor stray puppies to meet a kind-hearted woman. In the end, the woman directly brought 5 stray puppies back to her small, but able to give them The warm little home allows them to regain the happy life that should belong to them.