There was a wild boar wailing in the yard, and the owner was in a mixed mood when he went to see it again. This is fate.

Pet News

Although living in the mountains or rural areas can lead to a somewhat difficult life, occasionally there will be some unexpected gains, such as some free game, which is not usually available.

When veterinarian Xiao Ming was in the countryside, a chick flew into his home. It hit the wall and got cold. Then it became a delicious meal. Let’s take a look at the short story shared by this netizen below.

The wail of a wild boar was heard in the yard. When he went to see it again, the owner had a complicated mood: This is fate.

This poop shovel owner has a lot of dogs. Because the number is too large and the conditions at home are not very good, the dogs sometimes don't have enough to eat.

On this day, when the owner came back from the mountains, he harvested a wild boar. This was good news for the already not wealthy family, thinking that now the dogs could have better food. So he tied the wild boar in the yard and thought about how to deal with it later.

But after a while, there was a wailing sound in the yard. The owner hurried to check the situation, but when he saw the wild boar again, he didn't know what to say and froze on the spot: What's going on?

It turned out that maybe the dogs were too hungry, so they attacked the wild boar collectively and bit it alive. Looking at the wild boar on the ground, the owner was helpless and had mixed emotions. This is fate! I just didn’t expect that this group of dogs could be so powerful in combat, and they were also wild boars after all!

When the veterinarian Xiao Ming saw this scene, he felt a little sorry for the wild boar. It was tied up and beaten in a group. It was really unfair. He had the ability to fight one on one! Hahahahaha.

The sound of wild boar wailing came from the yard. When he went to see it again, the owner felt complicated: This is his fate

But having said that, living in the countryside is actually quite good. You can build your self-built house as big or small as you want, and you can grow fruits and vegetables, which are all very healthy. , and the houses in the city are not only small, but also have a lot of living expenses, and you have to buy everything.

In fact, the gap between living conditions in rural areas and cities is not that big now, so veterinarian Xiao Ming feels that people are not necessarilyYou have to fight your way to the city. Choosing a life that suits you is the most important thing. Both the city and the countryside have their own advantages.